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Language > Spanish
Category > Jokes

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Wanted: Chinese Language
A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair...

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Spanish
Kay D.
November 8, 2014

# Msgs: 14
Latest: June 5, 2015
I Need help with this, I heard somebody say "one of the better" and I think is wrong but it was said by a native speaker
And he insisted that he was right. Can somebody help me please? Thanks!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
October 25, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 5, 2015

I am indian.. and I am very interested in practicing English. anyone interested to contact me, I'll be happy to help you with the Hindi

Language pair: English; Spanish
September 24, 2014

# Msgs: 1

I want to improve my English
I´m a Doctor fron dominican republic and I wanto to improve my english because I´m almost forgetting it, i can help you if you want to practice the spanish

Language pair: Spanish; English
Saul D.
September 12, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: April 30, 2015
I am Spanish, so if you want, I help you. I am a teacher, but I need learn English too!

Language pair: English; Spanish
Maria L.
September 11, 2014

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 11, 2014
me encantaria ayudarte podemos praticar juntos mi espanol no es fuerte solamente yo puedo hablar conversaciones basicas

Language pair: English; Spanish
Cadarius B.
September 10, 2014

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 11, 2014
me interesa mucho yo trabajo con mucha gente que habla espanol asi que nos necesitamos entender

Language pair: English; Spanish
Cadarius B.
September 10, 2014

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 11, 2014
I Lucy would you like to practice English! I follow you, Jous tell me what can I have to do?


Language pair: English; Spanish
Sergio G.
September 9, 2014

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 23, 2014
Yo te puedo ayudar, ¿te interesa?


Language pair: English; Spanish
Sergio G.
September 9, 2014

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 11, 2014
Me if you want, I need to improve my english! I am spanish teacher!

Language pair: English; Spanish
September 9, 2014

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 11, 2014
Total found: 1692 !
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