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Tomonobu U.
August 26, 2019
# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 26, 2019
Let's help each other :)
English is my native language. My name is Nicole. I'm from Indiana, USA. I love learning about different places and cultures. Love asking questions and just genuinely curious about all places in the world. Love love love music, movies, and writing. History is definitely my jam. Lol. Would like to learn French, German, Russian, and open to others. Those are just my top 3. Feel free to hit me up and ask me anything. We can help each other learn.
Language pair: English;
Nicole R.
August 13, 2019
# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 20, 2019
Re:Hiding one's mouth and using both hands in Korea
You don't have to hide your mouth when eating, smiling, and speaking. In dramas some jestures are exaggerated. But When you give something to someone who is older than you or in official situation, you better with two hands! With-Two-hands-giving is quite usual in Korea.
Language pair: English; Korean
August 9, 2019
# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 9, 2019
Culture and history
Hi everyone, I am interested in learn about the Kurdish culture,its language and history. I can speak Spanish and I understand English .I am south american,I can interchange knowledge about my culture,language and history too. Let's try to do.
Language pair: English; Spanish
Johy gyan A.
June 3, 2019
# Msgs: 1
Georgia's Civil War
Hey there. I'm going to Georgia for an excursion in june and our university gave us the task to contact locals about specific topics. I have been assigned the civil war. I want to get a local perspective about the topic. And how Georgian people feel about it. If anyone has any insight and would be willing to share them with me don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you
Language pair: English; Georgian
May 17, 2019
# Msgs: 1
Re:Hiding one's mouth and using both hands in Korea
Yes they are too sensitive about hugging. And I think they used to hands as a sign of respect especially if it is someone older than you. I also loved to go to Korea and want to meet other aspirants like me :)
Language pair: English; Korean
Loth R.
March 3, 2019
# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 9, 2019
Hiding one's mouth and using both hands in Korea
I notice in a lot of Korean dramas that people tend to hide their mouths when eating/drinking or laughing. Is this a cultural thing?
I have also noticed that when offering something (eg a business card or a book) people tend to use both hands.
I am dreaming of visiting Korea one day and I would like to understand the cultural differences so I do not offend the locals with my European manners. To us it is not rude to show your mouth or offer something using only your dominant hand.
I remember a happening, many years ago, when I was attending a business seminar in Sweden with representatives of our company from all over the world. We had a Thai lady in the group who had to leave early. I went to hug her goodbye and she politely avoided me explaining that in her culture people do not touch or make eye contact. Obviously I apologised and explained that in our culture the opposite was the norm. The funny thing is that as soon as we had clarified this point, the Italian and the Brazilian members rushed into the room all talking at the same time and hugged and kissed her (they were men). She was as pale as a sheet and I thought she was going to faint from embarrassment!
Language pair: English; Korean
February 3, 2019
# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 9, 2019
Hey, Eric. I am a native Chinese who is studying English.It would be great if we can study language together.
Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Gordon Z.
January 12, 2019
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 12, 2019
Lauren C.
January 8, 2019
# Msgs: 1
Probation in Japan
Greetings. As an American Probation Officer I am curious at how probation works in Japan. It is my understanding that the majority of Probation Officers are volunteer?!
Language pair: English; Japanese
Bryant L.
December 5, 2018
# Msgs: 1