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Language > Chinese, Cantonese
Category > Vacations/Travels

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Re:Looking for chinese (cantonese) penpals
hi jenn, i was born in hk and i think i can help you for your project... we can talk. :)

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
Kenita L.
August 20, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 19, 2008
Looking for chinese (cantonese) penpals

I am Jenn, I'm a chinese girl and live in the Netherlands.
I am working on a project about HongKong and I would like to know more. I'm looking for chinese people from HongKong. We could also talk about other things. But if you are living in HongKong and could help me, I would appreciate it.

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
August 13, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 19, 2008
I need some travel information about Kuwait, Please help me!
I'm from Taiwan, this year(2008) I will go to Kuwait, I tried to search the internet about the weather, the traffic, and the famous food, but there is nothing.
Could you tell me something about Kuwait!!
Q1:How is the weather there? Hot? Cool? Is the temperature difference? What kind of clothes should I take? I've heard the sand and the wind are strong, really? May I wear contact there?
Q2:Is the Price there very expensive? My friends heard I'm going to Kuwait, they all asked me for gifts!! Please introduce me to inexpensive gifts! Or maybe I will take the sand for them (Ha!).
Q3:If I want to send the mail from Kuwait to Taiwan, when the mail will be received?
Q4:This is the last question, I promise! Is there anything what I have to keep an eye on?
!!!!!!Thank you very much!!!!!!
By the way, I have tried to learn arabic, but...but...it's really very difficult so much!!!! The retroflex words almost knot my tongue!!!

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
Michelle H.
March 5, 2008

# Msgs: 1

i can help you
i am chinese.i can teach you that to ask for price and something like that in mandarin.plz contact me.and i am not gold member

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; Chinese, Mandarin
October 16, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 16, 2007
Re:I am going to a town where people only speak mandarin
i can teach you how to ask for price and something like that in mandarin ,please contact me.

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; Chinese, Mandarin
October 16, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 16, 2007
The Hakka is one branch of the Han in China
Hi I am Nikki. I am from China. I am Hakks. I want to introduce something about the Hakkas.The Hakka is one branch of the Han in China .The Hakkas is all over the world.We have our own language--Hakka.Hakka language is one of the eight major dialects of Han in China.And we have the special building--Round-Dragon House.The Round-Dragon House is very useful and beautiful.And we have some customs. If you want to know something about the Hakkas please contact me.Look forwards to you.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese
Niki L.
September 29, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Seeking for French-speaking pals
Bonjour je m'appelle Lyne j'ai 45 ans et j'habite au Québec (Canada). Si tu veux je suis disponible pour te parler en français cela me fera plaisir et moi par contre j'aimerais approfondir mon anglais alors tu n'a qu'a me contacter... C'est la première fois que je viens sur ce site dommage qu'il ne veulent pas qu'on ce donne notre adresse msn. Alors si tu connais comment ce contacter fait le moi savoir bye bye à bientôt Lyne.

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; French
Lyne &.
April 27, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 30, 2009
Hong Kong - best time to travel? (weather)
When is the best time to travel to Hong Kong in terms of weather? When is the weather the most comfortable? I was also wondering how that affects the pollution too.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese
November 9, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:beautiful places to visit in China
Thanks for the local perspective about Xinjiang - a part of China which a lot of us don't seem to know about. I went online and saw a lot of nice, scenic pictures of this province, including Kanas and Tianchi Lake. Beautiful!

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
May 7, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 7, 2006
Re:I would like to meet people from Kota Kinabalu cause i may move there for a year!!!!!

I'm from Malaysia unfortunately am staying in KL but not Kota Kinabalu but I've been there once for couple of months and of course I made some good friens there. I can try my best to answer your ques on KK town.

Language pair: Malay (Bahasa Malaysia); Chinese, Cantonese
Lee San C.
August 17, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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