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want to learn to french!!
Hello everyone!! I'd like to learn to french before i go to frence. because I'll go to school in frence next year... So please contact me who can speak to french as well...
thankyou for reading this message!
Language pair: French; English
Mieko Yoshida
April 7, 2010
# Msgs: 1
Apprendre le Sanskrit
Je m'appelle Julien, j'ai 31 ans. Je vis en France pour le moment et je déménage au Québec prochainement.
Aucun rapport avec mon désir d'apprendre le Sanskrit, mais je suis passionné par l'Inde depuis des années et j'aimerais apprendre cette langue mythique autant par l'écrit que par la prononciation.
En vous remerciant pour votre aide.
Language pair: French; Sanskrit
October 28, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Mon but
Bonjour Tiffany, Je repond a votre courriel concernant la langue Francaise. Vous aimez la lecture peut-etre qu'on pourrait discuter sur de vos auteurs preferes.
a la prochaine,
Language pair: French;
Flora D.
October 23, 2009
# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 23, 2009
Re:Re:Re:Mon but
Bonjour Andre, Nous pouvons discuter sur un sujet qui vous interesse ainsi nous pourrions beneficier de l'echange. Ce matin, la temperature est frais et la meteo predit la pluie pour la fin de la semaine. A la prochaine, Flora
Language pair: English; French
Flora D.
October 23, 2009
# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 23, 2009
Re:Re:Mon but
Ok no problem, I need to learn more in english and I can help you in French. If you want, we can write us in a first time. Vous pouvez m'écrire en Français, je corrigerai vos fautes et j'essaierai de vous répondre en Anglais qu'en pensez-vous ?
Language pair: English; French
Andre M.
September 15, 2009
# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 23, 2009
Re:Re:wanna practice English
i need to communicate with people in English along with exact grammar & vocabulary.Would you help me please in this necessity.Thanks in advance.
Language pair: English; French
mageshwaran c.
September 3, 2009
# Msgs: 10
Latest: April 29, 2010
Re:wanna practice English
i need to communicate with people in English along with exact grammar & vocabulary.Would you help me please in this necessity.Thanks in advance.
Language pair: English; French
mageshwaran c.
September 3, 2009
# Msgs: 10
Latest: April 29, 2010
Re:wanna practice English
Hi, I'm from morocco.I'd like to find someone help with my oral English. If you are interested in arab,we can practice together. what's more, I also know some French. If you want,pls contact me.
Language pair: English; French
samirovitch i.
July 12, 2009
# Msgs: 10
Latest: April 29, 2010
le francais
si qlq'un veut pratiquer le francais
Language pair: French; English
samirovitch i.
July 12, 2009
# Msgs: 1
wanna practice English
Hi, I'm Chinese.I'd like to find someone help with my oral English. If you are interested in Chinese,we can practice together. what's more, I also know some French. If you want,pls contact me.
Language pair: English; French
July 9, 2009
# Msgs: 10
Latest: April 29, 2010