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Re:Any other great movies?
Hi! I recommend you to watch "Jeux d'enfants" et "Les Petits Mouchoirs"
J'adore ces films. Et quels films je peux regarde en Anglais si je suis française?

Language pair: French; English
Sara V.
October 25, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: June 4, 2015
French Movies :)
Hi I am looking for a french movies with an english sub titles.
I am currenly studying in alliance francaise de qingdao and I would love to practice my listening skills.

Merci beaucoup.


Language pair: French; 
October 22, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Here are several great French movies.
Romantics Anonymous - not sure of the French name. Very funny and brilliant acting.

The Intouchables - superb film. Je l'ai adoré. C'est drôle et en fait que vous pensez de la vie. I really love this film. It is a fairly new film. It is funny and it makes you think about life.

Tais-toi - Ruby and Quentin. Funny again. A little older. Gerard Depardieu et Jean Reno.

Hope you enjoy these films.

Language pair: French; English
Helen D.
September 6, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: June 4, 2015
Re:Re:Any Vampire Diaries fans ?
I love The Vampire Diaries,just can't wait for the next season. There are so many rumours that season 6 would be the last season for Damon. But I hope that's untrue. xD

Language pair: English; French
Poképiee K.
August 17, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 17, 2014
Any other great movies?
I have watched Amelie and A very Long Engagement. I enjoyed them a lot. Are there any other movies I can watch in French. I would also like to know about some great songs and books to read in French.

Language pair: French; English
Poképiee K.
August 17, 2014

# Msgs: 12
Latest: June 4, 2015
Série télévisuelle en francais
Salut a tous! Est-ce que quelqu´un peut me donner un conseil? Je cherche une série télévisuelle du type de The Big Bang Theory, Friends, How I met your mother etc. Quelque chose moderne pour m´améliorer en francais. Quelqu´un peut me donner le lien de cette vidéo pour le télécharger (gratuitement :-))? Merci bcp!

Language pair: French; English
Lenka B.
August 1, 2014

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 25, 2014
Re:Any Vampire Diaries fans ?
I am! :-)
I'm really looking foward the new season in autumn.
For the "hardcore" fans. There is the spin-off as well:
The Originals
But I guess, you've heard of it.
It is just awesome! *-*

Language pair: English; French
June 22, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 17, 2014
Re:Re:Good Movies to Learn french
Nooo, "bienvenue chez les chtis" is not a good council, as a french man like me its difficult lol

Language pair: English; French
May 1, 2014

# Msgs: 9
Latest: May 1, 2014
Re:Any Vampire Diaries fans ?
Ahah I am ;) but I'm disappoint with the new Elena... I liked more the old modest Elena ;) and I like Stefan not Demon.. I belong to the stelena club XD what do you think about her?? :)

Language pair: English; French
April 23, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: August 17, 2014
Re:Re:Good Movies to Learn french
Hi! ^^
I think french movies are not best movies, It's good but I prefer English or américan Movies. It's generaly more complete and realy funny.

Language pair: English; French
April 1, 2014

# Msgs: 9
Latest: May 1, 2014
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