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Re:Exchange of English for Hindi.

Language pair: English; Hindi
sarita s.
June 10, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 23, 2016
Exchange of English for Hindi.
I am a VERY fluent English speaker, and I'd love to learn Hindi. Anyone interested in making a friend and teaching/learning a new language, contact me!

Language pair: English; Hindi
Connor D.
June 8, 2014

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 23, 2016
Re:Re:I want to learn english
Hi, I dont know Hindi, unfortunately. I will pleased, if you help me with English :)

Language pair: Hindi; English
Olga W.
June 4, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 23, 2016
Re:I want to learn english
Hi my name is Ashley. I would like to learn Hindi. Perhaps we could be penpals? The best way to learn English is to speak it a lot out loud. :)

Language pair: Hindi; English
Ashley K.
June 3, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 23, 2016
Re:Re:Re:Re:Language exchange
I can help out with English. I wish to learn Telugu. I need someone I can write emails to in case you are interested in the same.

Language pair: English; Hindi
May 22, 2014

# Msgs: 6
Latest: May 22, 2014
I want to learn english
I want to learn english.

Language pair: Hindi; English
Rashmi s.
May 20, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 23, 2016
Re:Hindi ,English ,Deutsch
Hi Rashmi,
This google translation is really a mess..The translation should be like this:
मैं अपने हाय चुन सकती हूँ। 10 दिनों में संपर्क कीजिए। मैं गोल्ड मेंबर बनने जा रही हूँ। धैर्य, स्नेह और प्रकाश
रश्मि सेबिन, जर्मनी

Language pair: Hindi; English
January 28, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Re:I can teach you Mandarin now
i am still in basic level and practiced chinese characters
i can speak phining well, but cant form the sentences.

Language pair: English; Hindi
Tejasvi k.
September 23, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 10, 2013
jano india (language school)
Jano India located in Fremont is an after school Hindi language program organised by USHA. Jano India summer camp is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn about their Indian culture and heritage. It is a well rounded fun and learning summer camp.

Language pair: Hindi; English
Ruchita P.
July 5, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Explore and learn the Indian Culture through numerous activities in Jano India camp
Jano India Camp gives you a chance to learn about the Indian culture through its fun and structured interactive program. This fun filled summer camp gives children to celebrate Incredible India along with the chance to learn speak Hindi the language of this Diverse culture. Each week begins with a new theme and the session starts in the afternoon.

Language pair: Hindi; English
Ruchita P.
June 29, 2012

# Msgs: 1

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