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Language > Italian
Category > Hobbies

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hi my name is dennis

Language pair: English; Italian
dennis g.
May 7, 2011

# Msgs: 23
Latest: May 7, 2011

Im new too! My names CLarissa. I would love to help with your English. I dont know how to contact you though because I dont have a Gold Membership?

Language pair: English; Italian
Clarissa S.
March 3, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 3, 2011
Hi! I´m new here. So, i wanna say hello. I´m trying to practice my english and interested about teach some spanish. If someone is interested, please, let me know, thanks!
About hobbies, well bellydance, yoga, photography, music...travel

Language pair: English; Italian
sandie m.
February 22, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 3, 2011
Hi! I'm Francesca from Italy, I love mangas too! :) Unlikely I'm not a gold member and I can't contact you... Sorry!

Language pair: English; Italian
Francesca M.
January 4, 2011

# Msgs: 23
Latest: May 7, 2011
Re:Quels sont les chanteurs actuels en Italie ?
Je te peux dire quels sont les chanteurs actuels en Spain,si tu veux,mais je ne sais pas les de Italie.j´aime savoir les chanteurs actuels du la france,

Language pair: French; Italian
Mar l.
November 14, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 14, 2010
Quels sont les chanteurs actuels en Italie ?
Buongiorno !
J'aimerais savoir quels sont les chanteurs qui sont populaires en Italie ?
En retour je pourrais vous dire les chanteurs, acteurs célèbres en France =)
Merci !

Language pair: French; Italian
October 25, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 14, 2010
Quiero aprender italiano
Hola! soy mexicana y me encantaria aprender italiano, me gusta leer, jugar tenis, cocinar e ir al cine. Podria ayudarte a aprender español.. contactame

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
May 2, 2010

# Msgs: 1

I'm a senior teacher of English (69) from Slovenia who would like to improve my poor Italian, so that I could travel round the south of Italy and paint there. I could in exchange teach you English.
This year I was on Sardinija and I liked it very much. I intend to go to Puglia next year.
Bye, Nusa

Language pair: English; Italian
November 6, 2009

# Msgs: 1

voglio fare meglio il mio italiano
sono una studentssa in una universita in turchia,studio italiano e voglio parlare meglio in italiano mi aiutate,sono turca e posso insegnare turco chi vuole.contact me(:

Language pair: Turkish; Italian
September 13, 2009

# Msgs: 1

un poco de musica!!!!!!!!!!!
tengo musica en italiano y en frances, y me gustaria saber si alguien tiene mas musica de estos idiomas

Language pair: Italian; French
September 4, 2009

# Msgs: 1

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