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Re:Re:RE: Let's learn from each other
Hi Yoko i'd like to learn japanese please if u can contact me

Language pair: Japanese; Spanish
Alejandro G.
January 24, 2008

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 15, 2008
Re:RE: Let's learn from each other
Konichiwa sensei, nihongo ga hanaseru youni narimasu youni. you can add me as a friend, I am also learning japanese, hope we can help each other. Please reply via e-mail or this forum.


Language pair: Japanese; Spanish
rhonn c.
November 19, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 15, 2008
Looking for an enthusiat Japanese who can teach me Japanese in exchange of English or Hndi.
konnichiwa! My name is Rhonn, I am a Monglo-Inida, pursuing graduation and working in an US based customer care centre or call centre in India. I am looking for an enthusiat Japanese who can teach me Japanese in exchange of English or Hndi. To be more precise, I want to practise spoken japanese so basically looking for some one who is really intrested. I am not a gold card member, please contact me in the forum.


Language pair: Japanese; 
rhonn c.
November 17, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hi I'm a native spanish speaker, my name is Mariana, I'm 19 and I'm studying japanese. I'm fluent in english too, so let's share :D
I'm not goldmember so please contact me.
Take care!

Language pair: Japanese; Spanish
Mariana C.
November 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

i'm vietnamese girl, really want to learn japanese !
my english is ok but my japanese not good! please help me! i really want to share my english and improve my japanese! Thanks a lot!

Language pair: English; Japanese
amy_ d.
September 23, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I can speak english well and really want to improve my japanese! i've just started my class 3months. if you have japanese but not good in english. we can share!

Language pair: English; Japanese
amy_ d.
September 23, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:RE: Let's learn from each other
Hello! Hola! Soy Yoko.Ahora estoy aprendiendo espan~ol y ingles.si quiere aprender japones,aprendemos ambos linguaje juntos.

Language pair: Japanese; Spanish
May 31, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 15, 2008
Re:RE: Let's learn from each other
I am very fluent in the language of spanish and really need to learn how to speak fluently in filipino.

Language pair: Spanish; Japanese
Trent F.
May 17, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 15, 2008
RE: Let's learn from each other
Hello, I'm an English teacher from the Philippines. I'm currently learning Japanese, and Spanish. I want to be fluent in both languages. Let's try learn from each other~~ I hope to make a lot of friends here.
Please send me an email.
Have a nice day~~

Language pair: Japanese; Spanish
May 7, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 15, 2008
Exchange Partners Wanted for Japanese/English
Hi Everyone!

If you want to start an English/Japanese exchange group, let me know here in the bulletin board.

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Language pair: English; Japanese
Mark B.
October 26, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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