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Language > Swahili
Category > New Member

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Bonjour à tous!
Hello everyone, I am Algerian and my boyfriend is from DRC Congo, I hope to find someone among you who would like to help me to surprise him helping me with Swahili and Lingala, I am committed to helping you with the french or Arabic ...

Language pair: Lingala (Ngala); Swahili
myr b.
June 27, 2013

# Msgs: 1

I am happy to meet new friends

I am Assumani MNANA from Burundi. I am 34 years old. My first language is Swahili and my second language is French but now I want to improve my english. I will be happy to discuss with the members of "My language exchange for culture exchange.

Thank you

Language pair: Swahili; French
Assumani M.
November 27, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'm from Ohio, USA and need to interview someone from Kenya for school. I would like to learn more about Swahili.
Please let me know how i can help.

Language pair: English; Swahili
Eric N.
May 28, 2012

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 28, 2012
I'm from Ohio, USA and need to interview someone from Kenya for school. I would like to learn more about Swahili.

I'm from Ohio, USA and need to email interview someone from Kenya for school project. I would like to learn more about Swahili and look forward to helping people learn more about us here in the USA.


Language pair: English; Swahili
Ronda B.
April 5, 2012

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 28, 2012
Hee Evi,

I'm also learning Swahili:D.
Do you already now a lot of Swahili?
Did you ever went to a country where they speak Swahili? Or do you just like the language? Maybe we can help each other by learning:D.

xxx Maartje

Language pair: Dutch; Swahili
Maartje M.
March 29, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 29, 2011
From Netherlands to Swahili or English speaking people
I'm from the Netherlands. I'm learning Swahili and I would like to talk with someone who can speak Swahili and English. And I can help learning dutch if you want. E-mail me, because i'm not a goldmember.


Language pair: Swahili; Dutch
Maartje M.
March 26, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hello from the Netherlands!

I'm Maartje and I want to learn Swahili. I can speak it a little bit. I can speak English. It would be great if you want to learn Dutch:D.
Write me!


Language pair: Dutch; Swahili
Maartje M.
March 26, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hi, I'm new to the forum. I am learning french while I work and it is not easy as I don't get to practise as much as I would love. I would like to practise my french in exchange for swahili and english. Would love to hear from you. K

Language pair: Swahili; French
M G.
February 22, 2011

# Msgs: 1

I am from USA interested in improving and increasing my knowledge of Swahili, and Beginning Arabic
English speaker in America, wants to increase my knowledge of Swahili, and to start beginning Arabic....for interest and travel .... looking to make friends male and female


Language pair: Swahili; Arabic, other
Nathaniel C.
October 12, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Hello.Jambo.am new
Jambo.How are u doin? am learning German in beginners class.I have a good command of english and swahili.I would like to have penpals to enable me understand german more.

Language pair: Swahili; German
Philip M.
September 12, 2010

# Msgs: 1

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