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Language > Thai
Category > New Member

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สวัสดี ฉันต้องการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ ฉันสามารถสอนคุณในภาษาไทยได้ รวมถึงวัฒนธรรมไทยที่งดงามด้วย มาเป็นเพื่อนกันนะ

Language pair: English; Thai
ฺิBoo ิ.
February 12, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Thai language partner
Hi, I am a native English speaker from the US, looking for someone I can exchange language learning with. I am middle-aged and have lived in Thailand for more then 10 years in the South. I love cooking and reading.

Language pair: English; Thai
K. B.
January 21, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 22, 2017
Re:language partner,business friends
Hi I am Kelly from Thailand. My English communication is at intermediate level and i am interested in learning Chinese. My business mostly deals with suppliers in China, but i rarely know Chinese. If you are interested in discussion on business topic, feel free to contact me

Language pair: Thai; English
Kelly L.
October 16, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 16, 2016
New member from Thailand
Hi Everyone
My name is Ek but you can call me 'Edward'
i wanna practice English and i can teach you Thai (if you need).
This August, i'm going to Munich, Germany for business but when i have a time, Maybe we hang out somewhere

Language pair: English; Thai
July 8, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Hi! I'm from Argentina and I know English and Spanish ^^ I hope we can be friends! Since I want to know about Thai culture and Language.

Language pair: English; Thai
June 27, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 27, 2016
Hello!My name is Noey.Nice to meet you.My english skill no Good. I want to learn english more.You can teach me please.

Language pair: Thai; Thai
June 17, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 27, 2016
Want to improve my Thai
Hi,I'm Angela. I'm German and want to improve my Thai-knowledge.I do spaek a bit, but want to learn more. In excange I can teach you some German if you like to

Language pair: Thai; 
April 14, 2016

# Msgs: 1

new here looking to chat
looking to talk to new people and learn new languages. nice to meet everyone hope to talk soon

Language pair: Thai; Korean
April 10, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Anyone who want to learn Thai?
I want to practice my English and I can teach you Thai and Lanna Thai language.

Language pair: Thai; English
March 16, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Hi..from thailand
Konijiwa Fumiko San

Hajimae machitae

Language pair: Thai; English
March 16, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 16, 2016
Total found: 174 !
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