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Language > Turkish
Category > Study Abroad

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hi all,i want to make myself better in english
hi,i am student in german linguistics.but i dont know much better german and by the time i have been learning german,i am losting my knowledge of english.to save my knowledge of english and to be better in german i will be waiting your helps.but i am not a golgmember so i can not write back.

Language pair: Turkish; English
dilek s.
August 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:am crazy ab spanish and italian!
Hello Alsou, I'm an Spanish guy. If you want you can practice your Spanish with me.
See my profile and contact me.

Language pair: Russian; Turkish
December 20, 2006

# Msgs: 1

arapçamý geliþtirmek istiyorum
arapçamý özellikle yaýmý geliþtirmek istiyorum.. aradýðým sesli kitap denilen kitaplarýn cd'ye aktarýlmýþ biçimleri ile basýlý kitap ..bu konuda yardýmcý olabilecek birileri var mý?

Language pair: Turkish; Arabic, Middle Eastern
August 9, 2006

# Msgs: 1

hi.... i can help any one to learn arabic
and i would like to improve my english and learn
hindi,turkish and russian
send me .... bye

Language pair: Turkish; Russian
wafa a.
December 1, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:dying to learn Turkish and Japanese
Hi! I am an Turkish living and working in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a teacher in High School here and I desperately want to learn English! Is there someone out there who TEACHES ENGLISH who might want to do an exchange with me? we can practise English and Turkish...I'm not a gold member.. I am 28 years old, love art, music, concerts, traveling, and meeting new people...

Language pair: English; Turkish
ibrahim s.
November 25, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2005
dying to learn Turkish and Japanese
longing to learn and speak Turkish language
Please help
I can teach you English

Language pair: English; Turkish
Nas a.
November 24, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2005
Re:Hi people!!!!!!
Hi i am a 19 year old english girl and i want to learn Turkish, i know quite a bit already but by no means fluent.

Anyone who wants to talk can email me as i am not a gold member.

Language pair: English; Turkish
heather c.
July 15, 2005

# Msgs: 1

hi can we practise

Language pair: Turkish; English
Ender B.
May 24, 2005

# Msgs: 1

hallo ich will dutch lernen kannst du mir hilfen

Language pair: Turkish; Dutch
Ender B.
May 24, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Hello Nicole !!
if you would like to learn in Turkish.I'm able to teach you.I know how to teach in Turkish very well .Because it's my second language. i can talk in Turkish better than my own language. I'm talking and writing in Turkish as native speaker and writter.I live in Toronto and i can help you to improve your english as well.
I'll look for forword to hearing you !!!
PS. I'm not a gold member

Language pair: Turkish; English
M. O.
November 22, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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