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Language > Turkish
Category > Seeking Partners

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Total found: 374 !
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Turkish - French language partner
Bonjour. Je suis un Turc qui vit à Paris pendant 7 mois. Je veux pratiquer une langue avec un Français qui veut apprendre le turc.

Language pair: Turkish; 
Eyup U.
April 3, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Turkish - French language partner
Bonjour. Je suis un Turc qui vit à Paris pendant 7 mois. Je veux pratiquer une langue avec un Français qui veut apprendre le turc.

Language pair: Turkish; 
Eyup U.
April 3, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Turkish - French language partner
Bonjour. Je suis un Turc qui vit à Paris pendant 7 mois. Je veux pratiquer une langue avec un Français qui veut apprendre le turc.

Language pair: Turkish; 
Eyup U.
April 3, 2017

# Msgs: 1

Re:Seeking Arabic partner to practice arabic
Hi Ed, I am a native Arabic, How could I help you?

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Turkish
Ahmed S.
October 31, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 31, 2016
iyi günler

I'm looking for people who would like to help in Turkish , I will help you with English

If you would like we can make skybe group add people with the same focus

Interesting it will be

My skybe : fas0ly_sa


Language pair: English; Turkish
Faisalmm M.
August 29, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 29, 2016
iyi günler

I'm looking for people who would like to help in Turkish , I will help you with English

If you would like we can make skybe group add people with the same focus

Interesting it will be

My skybe : fas0ly_sa


Language pair: English; Turkish
Faisalmm M.
August 29, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 29, 2016
Re:Re:I can teach TURKISH!! & Practice ENGLÝSH!!
iyi günler

I'm looking for people who would like to help in Turkish , I will help you with English

If you would like we can make skybe group add people with the same focus

Interesting it will be

My skybe : fas0ly_sa


Language pair: Turkish; English
Faisalmm M.
August 29, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 29, 2016
Re:Re:Seeking a partner to study the Turkish language
iyi günler

I'm looking for people who would like to help in Turkish , I will help you with English

If you would like we can make skybe group add people with the same focus

Interesting it will be

My skybe : fas0ly_sa


Language pair: Turkish; English
Faisalmm M.
August 29, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 29, 2016
Re:I want to improve my english
iyi günler

I'm looking for people who would like to help in Turkish , I will help you with English

If you would like we can make skybe group add people with the same focus

Interesting it will be

My skybe : fas0ly_sa


Language pair: Turkish; English
Faisalmm M.
August 29, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 29, 2016
Re:Need a friend to improve my speaking in English
iyi günler

I'm looking for people who would like to help in Turkish , I will help you with English

If you would like we can make skybe group and add people with the same focus

Interesting it will be

My skybe is fas0ly_sa

Language pair: Turkish; English
Faisalmm M.
August 29, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 29, 2016
Total found: 374 !
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