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Language > Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Looking for Mandarin or Malay language partner
Hi, I'm Victor. I live in Chicago and am looking to move to Asia soon. I'd really like to improve my Mandarin and Malay as soon as possible. As a native English speaker I'd be happy to help anyone who needs to improve their English.


Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
October 8, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 17, 2009
Re:Translate english to malay?
hi Ona R .. I'm from Malaysia and I native speaker of bahasa Malaysia ...
"It was a beautiful morning" in Malay mean "Ia satu pagi yang indah"

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
July 18, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 18, 2009
Saya berminat belajar B.Indonesia, terutamanya tentang istilah kedokteran.
I'm not a gold member, so pl. contact.
I'm a doctor, but in Malaysia we seldom use Malay terminology.

Bisa kita sama2 bertukaran istilah, ya.
Saya pernah terlibat dgn penerjemahan buku teks Internal medicine oleh Davidson.

Language pair: Malay (Bahasa Malaysia); Indonesian (Bahasa)
nik a.
July 17, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 19, 2012
Re:Re:Re:I want to learn other languages
Hello Mille.

I,m from Spain and I want to imporve my English so you are perfect...

I,m 31, my name is Bárbara and I have two children.
Can you send me an e-mail if you want.
I'm not gold member.
Thanks and see you soon.

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Bárbara F.
May 22, 2009

# Msgs: 8
Latest: May 22, 2009
Re:Re:Re:I want to learn other languages
Hello I want to lear more english also french or italian
could you help me please.

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Oscar C.
May 20, 2009

# Msgs: 8
Latest: May 22, 2009
Re:Re:I want to learn other languages
I can teach you german (english, french or latin). if you want you can teach me a language, too. it doesn't matter what languages but i prefer spanish and greek.
please send me a mail if you are interested

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
May 19, 2009

# Msgs: 8
Latest: May 22, 2009
Meanings please anyone? Assamese to English
baperai dekhise ne aeikhan photo ???? dnt worry.....print out loi post kori asu tur gharar address ot. agri raijok o bilabo lagibo. kiman tololoi jabo pare manuhor soritro....... ssssssaaah !!!! bhabiboi nuari dei.

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Yati J.
May 14, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:I want to learn other languages

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
May 13, 2009

# Msgs: 8
Latest: May 22, 2009
Translate english to malay?
Hello everyone!
I really need your help. I have just began learning malay. We have this compo test next week O: And I need help in translating a few descriptive phrases.

For eg.

Is it normal to say "It was a beautiful morning." How do we translate this?

Language pair: English; Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)
Ona R.
April 21, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 18, 2009
I want this to be quick
Hi, Kindly help me out so I can learn the language faster. I really need to learn how I should call a cab (Taxi) in Malay on telephone.

Language pair: Malay (Bahasa Malaysia); English
Mrs.Arshad S.
January 10, 2009

# Msgs: 1

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