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Im here to learn danish. Im from Estonia and speak estonian and english. I would appriciate if someone could help me to learn danish. In return i can ofcourse help you to learn estonian and english. I would be interested in all versions of language excange: email, text and voice. Any help and feedback is greatly appriciated. If anyone finds that he/she is interested just let me know :).

Language pair: Estonian; 
Edmund D.
April 30, 2008

# Msgs: 1

hi everybody
heyyy everybody im new member here im trying to learn italian anyone can help me ??? : )

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Estonian
sara a.
December 3, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Õpi Eestil Keelt
Hi there,

I am a native Spanish speaker and I also speak fluent English.

I would like to start learning Estonian and exchange some Spanish or perhaps English lessons.

Gracias, thanks, Tanan

Language pair: English; Estonian
Alejandro M.
September 20, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hi Anna
Tere Anna,

I've seen from last log-in and your profile's informations that u are interested in learning italian.. considering I'm gonna spend 6 months in Tallinn since September, it would be great to exchange our contacts and begin a language exchange..

My estonian is still poor... :-D .. Tere, Ma olen Alex, ma rääkin ei eesti keel.. :-(((

Hope to hear from u soon, let a message here! Tsauuu!

Language pair: Estonian; English
June 29, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 30, 2008
Re:Hello, I am an Estonian girl...
Hi Anu, as u read from previous messages, i'm an italian guy speaking italian, english and a little of German and Spanish too. I'm starting to learn Eesti keel aga ta on difficult.. your help is more than welcome! Are u still interested to help me? I would be grateful to u.. i can teach u Italian and also German or Spanish.. and we can both practise our English! Tsau, Alex

Language pair: Estonian; English
May 7, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 30, 2008
Hey. Im a girl from Estonia. Beside estonian i have studied russian and english too. At the moment I take spanish courses. I would like to practice spanish with somebody. I would be glad to teach you my language - ESTONIAN.
Thank you:)

Language pair: Estonian; Spanish
January 11, 2007

# Msgs: 1

any one who speak ESTONIAN and ENGLISH??? i need your help
i just want to ask some estonian words and translate it in english..thank you so much!!!

Language pair: Estonian; English
mitt s.
December 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Need help with estonian and spanish
Mina võin eesti keelt aidata, kui sa rootsi keelt aitaks õppida.

Language pair: Estonian; 
Karu K.
October 21, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 22, 2006
Re:Re:Need help with estonian and spanish
Tere Kersti!
Kui sa tahaksit sinu rootsi vöi soome keelt harjutada, vöiksin sind aida! Ma olen soomlane aga oskanga rootsi keelt hästi. Ja mulle meeltiks väga minu eesti keelt harjutada! Rääkin hästi englanti ja saksa (English and German) ja natugene ka unkari. Vabanta kui minul nemad keelte nimet valesti ovat.

Language pair: Estonian; 
June 16, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 22, 2006
Eesti keelt
Hei, I'm new to all this. I need help with Eesti keelt. Any takers?


Language pair: English; Estonian
Alan M.
March 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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