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Language > Telugu
Category > Seeking Partners

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German to Telugu, Hindi
Hi i am interested in learning German and other any European Languages. I am a native speaker of TELUGU and Hindi, i am happy to teach you.

Just send me hi, if you are from Germany/Europe.


Language pair: German; Telugu
Nini G.
March 9, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Looking for marathi speaker and i can teach u telugu
i want to learn marathi... and i can teach u telugu...

Language pair: Marathi; Telugu
sandeep r.
February 9, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Seeking friends who can teach me telugu
hai All
I am a new member I am a keralite looking friends who can help me to learn telugu because i try to learn more south lanagauges


Language pair: Malayalam; Telugu
Moidu c.
April 14, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Telugu in Norway?
HI! I am a Norwegian student, looking for sonmeone in Norway who can speak Telugu. I can teach you the Norwegian language. Please contact me if interested.

Language pair: Norwegian; Telugu
December 18, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Malayalam - Telugu Exchange
Hi, I am learning Malayalam , I can teach Telugu - Any interested persons plz reply.

Language pair: Malayalam; Telugu
October 8, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for a partner? I am a native English speaker.
hi frend,
can u teach me english........i am very much intrested to learn u r accent.....replay me

Language pair: English; Telugu
nikky n.
August 14, 2009

# Msgs: 11
Latest: August 24, 2009
Re:Looking for a partner? I am a native English speaker.
can u teach me english.....return i will teach u telugu....

Language pair: English; Telugu
nikky n.
August 14, 2009

# Msgs: 11
Latest: August 24, 2009
Re:Looking for a partner? I am a native English speaker.
can u teach me english.....return i will teach u telugu....

Language pair: English; Telugu
nikky n.
August 14, 2009

# Msgs: 11
Latest: August 24, 2009
seeking a language partner who speaks english
My native language is Telugu.I want to improve my English language skills, as i'm not a gold member i can't initiate anything. Those who are seeking Telugu language partner please initiate.

Language pair: Telugu; English
July 18, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re : Wanting to Learn Telugu in Exchage for English
Hi I am Prega Moodley from South African. I am interesting in learning Telugu. And if you can I will be willing to teach you English.
Regards from Sunny South Africa

Language pair: English; Telugu
Prega M.
June 26, 2009

# Msgs: 1

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