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Language > Marathi
Category > Seeking Partners

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Need to learn Marathi; Can teach Hindi/English

I'm new to this forum and I am looking for somebody to practice Marathi with. I really can't speak at all right now but I speak fluent Hindi so I'm hoping it won't be too hard to learn. If you need help with your Hindi or English and can help me practice Marathi, please contact me.

Thank you,

Language pair: Marathi; Hindi
December 23, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 24, 2010
Looking friend
Hi i am Atul, I want to practice to English Speaking Plz Help me ASAP.

Language pair: Marathi; Hindi
Atul K.
October 6, 2009

# Msgs: 1

any one wants to learn marathi?I can teach marathi
Hi any one interested to learn marathi for what ever reason , i may be helpful.

Language pair: Marathi; 
marathi g.
August 29, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:In marathi,what does the 'KAI.', before a person's name signifies?
Hi Yash,
Have you found out the meaning by now? Its surprising that in pune no one could explain you the meaning.

Kai is shortform of Kailaswasi. U must be knowing MOUNTAIN KAILAS ( KAILAS PARVAT)

I think anyone dead is supposed to reach heaven and heaven may be Kailas parvat.

Hope you got the answer.


Language pair: Marathi; 
marathi g.
August 29, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 29, 2009
anyone interested in learning marathi ?
if any one is interested to learn marathi i can help you to some extent.

I want to learn chinese language , seeking suitable partner.

Language pair: Marathi; Chinese, Mandarin
marathi g.
August 29, 2009

# Msgs: 1

want to learn marathi...
plz help me learing marathi..
ready to even pay if you needed....i knkow telugu

Language pair: Marathi; Telugu
November 3, 2008

# Msgs: 1

want learn kannada,I can teach you marathi and hindi
I want to learn kannada and in exchange I can teach you marathi and hindi.

Language pair: Marathi; Kannada
Jayesh T.
August 25, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 22, 2011
In marathi,what does the 'KAI.', before a person's name signifies?
Hi,I'm not a native marathi speaker but I have been wondering abtout this since quite some time.Don't know,if the same is seen elsewhere in Maharashtra or not,but in Pune,on roads/streets/lanes which are named after some person,there is a 'KAI'(not sure how to express that in English here),before the name of the person(Eg.'KAI. MAHATMA KARVE MARG').My guess is that it should be some kind of a salutation but I want to know exactly.Have tried to find out with many a locales but most won't know.So,seeking help here.

Language pair: Marathi; 
Yash T.
May 30, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 29, 2009
Re:can any1 teach me marathi??????????????? i speak telugu
Hi Ayesha,

I speak Urdu, Kannada, Tamil English, but loved to learn Telugu, can you please help me out in this.


Language pair: Urdu; Marathi
February 28, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Want to learn Bengali
Hey I am Maddy. I am seeking for a partner in order to learn Bengali. I can exchange Marathi, Hindi, English & Gujrati in return.

Language pair: Marathi; Bengali
November 13, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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