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Language > English
Category > Computer Technology

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türkçe öðrenmek ister misiniz?

Language pair: Turkish; English
March 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

hey guys im looking for someone to teach me lithuanian
and also i want a lithuanian dictionary for my phone

Language pair: English; 
Sabin M.
February 20, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Asalam O Alykum!
I am Urdu speaking Pakistani. You can ask me any thing about Urdu.

How are you?

Language pair: English; Urdu
Asim H.
December 25, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 6, 2008
Re:To write with greek characters ????
sur quel programme veux tu mettre des caractères grecs??????

Language pair: French; English
marie noelle
December 16, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 4, 2008
thought i might try some here:



T_T (a crying face?)

sorry im bad at this.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
November 25, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 23, 2008
Re:Cyrillic Font
Hello, Joana. You can probably find something for your computer by Googling "russify". Everything from keyboards to changing your menus. I just haven't had much luck typing on this forum. One would-be chat partner got frustrated and left the room. *Sigh*. Anyway, good luck.

Language pair: English; 
Dee R.
October 24, 2007

# Msgs: 1

To write with greek characters ????
Au secours !!!
Il y a quelqu'un qui pourrait m'aider à écrire avec des caractères grecs sur mon ordinateur ??? D'avance merci beaucoup pour votre réponse.

Dear friends, can you help me to write in greek language on my P.C.? Thank you very much for your answer.

Language pair: French; English
Francine B.
October 20, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 4, 2008
Hello Friend
I am interrested in programing and maths. I joined this site in oder to improve my English knollage.I wish to help any one who is fond of competurs.I wish to have you as a pen friend.

Language pair: Sinhalese; English
Kasun S.
October 20, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 6, 2008
Hello everyone!I am a new comer here!
I like computer and English ,I am a 20-years old boy.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Daivd F.
October 19, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 6, 2008
I am looking for someone to help me with Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Polish. I live in Scotland and can help anyone learning English.

Thank you.


Language pair: English; Urdu
Jas M.
October 2, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 6, 2008
Total found: 402 !
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