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Joke joke
Llega un jotito a la taqueria y pide.. -hola señor taquero , me da un taquito?? Y el taquero le dice.. -con chile?? -ay papi, mejor sin taco!!
Hi i want to practice my english can you help??? Thanks!
Language pair: English; Spanish
Vero V.
February 21, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Soy hispanohablante puedo ensenarte lo que se de espanol, y estoy comenzando a aprender ingles, podemos hablar de cualquier tema.
Language pair: Spanish; English
Cristian S.
February 20, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Hello / Hola
I'm Spanish and I want to speak English! contact me. One joke? Holmes y Watson se van de acampada.
Holmes se despierta a las 4 de la noche. - Watson, mira al cielo y dime que ves.
- ¡¡Veo millones de estrellas!!
- Y eso que te dice…
Tras pensar un instante Watson respondió: - Astronómicamente, me dice que hay millones de galaxias y potencialmente billones de planetas. - Cronológicamente deduzco que son las cuatro y diez. - Teológicamente puedo ver que dios es todopoderoso y que somos pequeños e insignificantes. - Meteorológicamente me dice que mañana tendremos un buen día ...
Por cierto, a usted que le dice amigo mío.
Tras un corto silencio, Holmes contestó: - Que gilipollas eres Watson. ¡¡Nos han robado la tienda de campaña!!!
Language pair: Spanish; English
February 5, 2014
# Msgs: 1
language exchange
hi!I'm Spanish speaker anyone want to exchange Spanish-English? contact me
Language pair: English; Spanish
Bryan S.
February 4, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Is there anyone who can teach me English?
Is there anyone who can teach me English? my name is roland I can teach French Spanish or Italian I can also help you to cook French or Peruvian food for exchange. sincerely
Language pair: Spanish; French
Rolando M.
February 4, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Is there anyone who can teach me English?
Is there anyone who can teach me English? my name is roland I can teach French Spanish or Italian I can also help you to cook French or Peruvian food for exchange. sincerely
Language pair: Spanish; French
Rolando M.
February 4, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Is there anyone who can teach me English?
Is there anyone who can teach me English? my name is roland I can teach French Spanish or Italian I can also help you to cook French or Peruvian food for exchange. sincerely
Language pair: Spanish; French
Rolando M.
February 4, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Is there anyone who can teach me English?
Is there anyone who can teach me English? my name is roland I can teach French Spanish or Italian I can also help you to cook French or Peruvian food for exchange. sincerely
Language pair: Spanish; French
Rolando M.
February 4, 2014
# Msgs: 1
hello emeli¡¡
my name is roland and I would like to learn English if you could help me I could help the Spanish greetings
Language pair: Spanish; French
Rolando M.
February 4, 2014
# Msgs: 1
Rosalinda R.
December 15, 2013
# Msgs: 1