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If you have an apple (Mac) then you spotlight search what you want off your computer and delete it, then empty your trash can. You won't have to uninstall it if it's a Mac. Deleting it gets rid of it.
If it's a Windows (or PC) go to your start up menu and you can either go to run and browse for it, or search your computer for it. One you find it, there should be an uninstall file with the download. Uninstall it with that file.
If there is not an uninstall file, or it's hard to find, go to the start menu, then go to the settings and click on the control panel. Once there, you'll see a listing for install/uninstalling programs. If it shows you a list of programs click on the program you want to delete and click uninstall. If there is no list (OS depending)click uninstall and a prompt will open containing a list of programs. From that list you select the program and click uninstall.If it asks "are you sure?" click yes.

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
Asagao T.
July 29, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Using Japanese characters on a MAC
As far as I know you set it up in your internationl settings in preferances. You can then choose hotkeys to change the language from whatever it is now to ジャぱねせ and back again.
Hope this helps.

Language pair: English; Japanese
Asagao T.
July 21, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:how do you read chinese characters in languageexchange.com emails...??
hi there ,
try to change the encoding for the page .
click the right button of the mouse then choose encoding . A sub menu will appear choose from it Unicode or choose more and find the language you want to view its characters in your case Chinese language .

best regards

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Iman A.
June 20, 2006

# Msgs: 1

French accent marks muddled
Using a French keyboard or using the ALT method of creating French accents,an intermittant problem arises which changes the accented letters into other letters. When I type the accents everything is in order until the email is sent. Is the problem in the server? What can be done about this? An example:the é in allé becomes "A" with a Spanish accent plus a "c" inside a circle.
Please advise.
Thank you,

Language pair: English; French
Cheryl H.
May 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:programing languages
Hi there, Im a student of computer engineering, and I had to take language C which is very similar to C++, if you want I can teach you, is easy tho.. Bye

Language pair: English; English
Manuel S.
May 22, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:How do i disable pop-up blockers
When the text chat window appears, you should see some text that says 'Click here for help to disable pop up blockers'. Click that for assistance. If you are using Windows Internet Explorer, you should be able to right-click on the bar at the top of the window and select 'Allow pop ups' or something to that affect.

Language pair: English; Spanish
April 14, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:How to make a NAMELESS FOLDER?
Salut, pour faire ça tu dois maintenir la touche "ALT" enfoncée puis tu tapes 255 sur le pavé numérique, ça fait le caractère ASCII 255, et il est invisible ;)
Je cherches à améliorer mon anglais pour aller travailler aux US, je suis programmeur et j'habites en France.
A bientôt !

Language pair: French; English
Antoine L.
April 3, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 3, 2006
Re:How to make a NAMELESS FOLDER?
Salut, pour faire ça tu dois maintenir la touche "ALT" enfoncée pendant que tu tapes 255 sur le pavé numérique, ça fait le caractère ASCII 255, et il est invisible ;)
Je cherche à améliorer mon anglais pour aller travailler aux US, je suis programmeur et j'habite en France.
A bientôt !

Language pair: French; English
Antoine L.
April 3, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 3, 2006
Re:Re:How to make a NAMELESS FOLDER?
Hello I'd like to learn technical english to work in US, I'm 30 and live in France, where I'm software engineer. Felix we could help us together, how old are you ? bye

Language pair: French; English
Antoine L.
April 3, 2006

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 3, 2006
PL/SQL developer
Hi everybody, any doubts about ORACLE? Let´s talk about it!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Plinio S.
March 30, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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