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Hey I would love to learn some more spanish if anyone wants to learn english!!!

Language pair: English; Spanish
jess h.
June 6, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 7, 2008
i am not a gold member if you are talk 2 me :(
hi i'm a peruvian girl i'm 19 years old and i would like to practice english and learn some french i also obviously speak spanish 'cause it's my native language thanks!! please if any gold member could help me it would be so so so great GRACIAS!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Daniela R.
May 31, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 15, 2008
Re:Help me please!!!
hola no entiendo mucho como aprender aqui

Language pair: Spanish; English
Maria Jesus M.
May 25, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 25, 2008
Re:Re:I speak english
hi!! I really don't know perfectly english but I can help you a lot because I know talk really well and write too...please, answer me, are you a gold member??, I'm not and I really would like to learn arabic...bye

Language pair: Spanish; English
May 22, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 22, 2008
Re:hi i realy need help.
I can help you but, are you a gold member??, i just know this web-site and I don't understand much about how can i talk to others members...Bye...hey, I'm 15 and I'm peruvian, I don't know much about english, just a little...I hope talk you soon

Language pair: Spanish; English
May 22, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 22, 2008
Help me please!!!
I know I don't know a lot of languages but I really would like learn italian, arabic, germn and french at lest. Obvious I wanna learn more of this language and I can help you...It would be nice!! Please contact me!! I'M NOT A GOLD MEMBER...Just help me please...bye

Language pair: Spanish; English
May 22, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 25, 2008
I need help practicing french
Hello!! I'm 18, I'm from Argentina, i know some french but i need to practice it more..can anyone help me? (i'm not a gold member) if you want to learn spanish and you want to teach me yours in excahange of spanish lessons i would be really happy, i love languages...!

Language pair: French; Spanish
Cynthia M.
May 9, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Hola a todos
hola daniel
yo puedo ensenarte ingles!!!! porque yo necisito ayuda con mi espanol!! yo intiendo muchas cosas pero no me siento confident cuando yo hablo. yo necisito mas practicar hablando porque todavia tengo que pensar antes que yo hablo. yo quiero hablar como usted. pero no soy um miembre oro tampoco!!! ayuda me

Language pair: English; Spanish
Marcelina D.
May 1, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 1, 2008
Re:hi there
hi! I'm looking for friends too and to learn more English, I'm Spanish so we can chat ifyou want,I'm sixteen but I'm not a gold member, so it's quite difficult.

Language pair: Spanish; 
April 27, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 27, 2008
si alguien quiere practicar espanol y ayudarme con el frances comuniquense conmigo

Language pair: Spanish; French
Ana V.
April 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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