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Language > German
Category > Jokes

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Re:Searching for English speaking people ;)
hey i can help u with some english if u can help with my german

Language pair: German; English
June 11, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 28, 2009
Ich bin jaiganesh aus india ..Wie geht es ihnen ?

Language pair: Albanian; German
June 10, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 28, 2009
Searching for English speaking people ;)

I`m Marc from Germany and I search for someone who want to learn German and who can teach some English.

Language pair: German; English
Marc F.
June 10, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 28, 2009
Hallo an alle ich bin maya aus deutschland und würde gerne Albanisch lernen ich könnte euch dafür deutsch beibringen.Also bitte helft mir.

Language pair: Albanian; German
June 5, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 28, 2009
Just a little joke
Un tizio ha una tavola calda proprio di fronte ad una banca. Arriva un vecchio amico e dice:"Senti, mi prestersti dei soldi?"- "Mi dispiace, amico mio, non posso!"- "E perché no?"- Perché ho firmato un contratto con la banca!"- "Che tipo di contratto?"- "In base al contratto io non presto soldi e loro non vendono panini!"

Language pair: German; Italian
June 3, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 15, 2009
Bonjour. Je ne suis pas tres bien a parlez le francais, mais je peux parler anglais.. Peux tu?

Language pair: German; Spanish
Summer M.
June 2, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 5, 2009
bonjour je suis un algérien de 17ans cherchant une correspondante pour parler allemand ;)

Language pair: German; Spanish
DaLiL A.
May 30, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 5, 2009
Hello, i´m Jana.
I search a person, who can teach me a bit in Englisch & perhaps in spanisch. I´m from Germany and i can teach you in german. That´s no problem. I´m sorry to say that i´m not a `goldmitglied`. :(
I´m happy, when you write me.

Language pair: German; 
Jana M.
May 29, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Is here a place for Jokes, it isn´t???
I thought this is a place for jokes... what´s going on???

Anyway... if you are learning Spanish this is a joke about formal treatment (begginers couldn´t understand it):

- ¿Usted no nada nada?
- No, es que yo no traje traje

I hope you understand it!



Language pair: Spanish; German
May 23, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 10, 2009
Re:Re:Re:Im findin' u!
sure! do you have msn?

Language pair: English; German
Cheryl B.
May 8, 2009

# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 8, 2009
Total found: 616 !
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