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Category > Internet Technology

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french wanted -_- :)
Hey everyone. My name is brian and i'm 15 years old. I'm looking for a french person who can help my french out and exchange emails. My passion started when i was 13 and has grown since then. It doesnt matter your age or if your a guy or girl, Just that you can talk french. I would be more than happy to help your english too. Talk to you soon.


Language pair: English; All
Brian P.
July 12, 2005

# Msgs: 1

letras y viajes internacionales
Gracias por acordarme. Siempre se me olvidan tales cosas.

Te los contaré temprano, te lo prometo. Ahora hay que cumplir unas papeles muy importantes para mañana y para jueves. Es la semana de exámenes finales.

Hasta luego!


Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
May 17, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 17, 2005
Palafox is wonderful, and as far as I know, he's still around. Unfortunately, the lessons didn't work out so well, as I understand it.

There are many good free-on-line Spanish lesson available; just search for "learn Spanish" "online" "free", and you'll find plenty of good sites. Many of us here are happy to help if you have specific questions about the lessons.

Welcome and good luck!

Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: English; Spanish
Mark S.
May 8, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
Hi El,

I'm afraid nothing ever really happened with that, to my knowledge. However, I was able to find a few good free on-line sites that had some excellent lessons available on them. We're prohibited from naming organizations here, but you should find them if you do a web search for "learn" "Spanish" "online" "free". Add the name "Gerald" to your search string, and you'll find my very favorite site.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.


Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
May 7, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
seeking esl tutor
my name is Andrew and I'm looking for esl tutors who would like to help students in a chatroom on line. We are two at the moment and we are looking for more people who would like to help students in their freetime.
Are you interested?
Let me know

Language pair: English; Italian
Andrew P.
April 25, 2005

# Msgs: 1

English and Japanese Audio/Video/Text Exchange
Hello Everyone,
I'm Bobby. I am American and live in the U.S. I use to live in Tokyo for a short 5 years and have since visited a number of times, mostely for business. I have found it difficult to practice speaking Japanese as there are not as many opportunities as I would like. I would be interested in exchanging English and Japanese language and culture with preferably a native Japanese language speaker but of course open to all. I just want to improve my Japanese and help improve someone's English.
I can use - Skype for audio, Ichat AV for video and audio, MSN for text and I'm open to any other methods that you may have. Romaji or ???(nihongo)is ok.
Well, thanks for listening. Hope we can exchange in the near future.
Yoroshiku Onegainshimasu


Language pair: English; Kannada
April 24, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Zhangyan/Helen Zhang: Using the translators provided here
Zhangyan, Hao!

Shi ah. yong translator you kan kan ge yingwende ci. There will never be a computer program that can translate human language as well as a person. It's easy enough to develop algorithms for verb conjugations, grammar, and syntax, but there's simply no way to program a computer to recognize idioms and separate them from similar non-idiomatic expressions. And there is no way to explain to a computer how to pick up all of the sublteties of context necessary to choose the correct interpretation of a word with multiple meanings. That's not even mentioning all of the things that simply don't translate from one language to another, or where one language uses a word differently than another language uses the same word. Translation is a very complicated skill.

I'm confused about the change in the bulletin board. I thought it was always that way. What was it doing before? Not that it matters; I was just curious.

Yes, you have answered all of my messages, I'm sure you're right. I wasn't keeping track.

you jian dao ni!


Hi Mark,

Thank you very much for indicating the translator in the MLE. I have applied it to translate some English sentences. They came out so funny that I got even more confused. So I prefer to translate word for word. Anyway, you make me know more about the MLE.

And I found the bulletin board is a little different now. The most updated messages come out on the top of each topic. It is more convenient.

Wo ye hen gao xing he ni liao tian. (~{NRR2:\8_PK:MDcADLl~}). Ha ha. I have answered all your messages now. Have you seen them?

Have a great day!

Language pair: English; All
Mark S.
April 12, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 12, 2005
Zhangyan/Helen Zhang: Using the translators provided here
Message III of III for Zhangyan 4/6/05

Finally, my long-overdue answer to your question is that you'll find the translator at the top left of all of the MLE pages where all of the MLE options are located. It's the tenth item down, right below the one you click on to open the Bulletin Boards. The link is called "Translations", and it opens up another window that gives you links to three different web sites that provide translating services, both free automated translations and paid translations by hand. Some of them work better than others. I generally have the best results from Babelfish. Sometimes it may make sense to try translating your material in a couple of the different translators and compare the translations that come out.

Automated translators like these are very rudimentary, very simplistic. They don't have the sense to be able to handle most colloquial language, so everything gets translated very literally. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what on earth the original text was supposed to be. It will never substitute for learning the language and translating it yourself, but it can be very educational and somewhat helpful.


I have to get now. It's been fun talking to you.

Sacramento, CA USA

48770 xie xie
Hi Make,

Hao jiu bu jian, lao peng you. How have you been?

Thank you so much for your explaining the "computer technology". I know how to enter that section and how to change the quote marks now. It is so interesting. Ha ha.

I love the scene of countryside very much. I climb hills almost every weekend. I can imagine how beautiful your city is. But I have no idea of your city ~{!'~}C Sacramento. Which state it is located?

I have never use the translator in My Language Exchange. Can you tell me where it is?

Zai jian. Xia ci zai liao.


This is a reply to message # 48209
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Category: Vocabulary/Translations Helen
April 1, 2005

Language pair: English; All
Mark S.
April 6, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 12, 2005
View Language Encoding Selection

Outcast just taught me a wonderful trick about how to make Chinese Characters appear in Chinese in my web browser, by pulling down the View menu, opening the encoding submenu, and selecting the desired language.

Problem is, that works only for the current page. the minute I move to another page, the default encoding setting is restored. I looked in Tools / Internet options for a way to make it stay on Chinese encoding for a while, but was unable to find a way to do that.

Anybody know of a solution to this?

Thanks in advance

Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: English; All
Mark S.
March 28, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Lost buddy in Skype
Hi Mary.

If I understand correctly, you said that it looked like I had somehow de-registered, that you could no longer see me on you list of contacts in Skype?

I think this happened when we were talking and you suggested that I change my state to invisible. I forgot to change it back to connected, and that might explain the difficulty. I have changed it back to connected again, so let me know if that fixed the problem.

Talk to you later,


Language pair: English; Spanish
Mark S.
March 26, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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