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Hi, my name is Candice and I am coming from Taiwan. My English is poor, so I would like to find a pen pal to practice my English. I am 9 year-old and hope I can make a good friend here.


Language pair: English; 
Candice C.
August 22, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Re: Practice spoken English
Hello, Maria,

if you speak English in a “non-rhotic” dialect, where certain “r” sounds are not pronounced (for example, if your pronunciations of the words “source” and “sauce” are identical), then that might explain your spelling of “ofcos”, which is not an English word; “ofcos” should be spelled “of course”.

Language pair: English; 
August 18, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 18, 2022
Practice spoken English
Hello, am new here and interested in perfecting my English. And ofcos making friends.

Language pair: English; 
August 16, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 18, 2022
Re:What topics are taught to kids in school in Germany for them to learn grammar?
Hi :)

You should consider that the children are already able to speak german, so they do not need to learn to use the right grammatic forms. They only learn the grammar Theory.

They start with finding out the kind of words in sentences: nouns, verbs, adjectives...For example underline every noun with blue, every verb with red and so on.
Then how the different types of time forms are called and to find out in sentences what time it is.
Then the four cases...

The main thing in elementary school is to learn how the words are written.

Language pair: German; English
August 15, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2022
Hallo Dan,
schön Dich kennen zu lernen.
(Hello Dan, nice to meet you)

Wenn ich darf, korrigiere ich Dich:
(If I am allowed, I correct it for you)
"Ich möchte viele Leuten kennenlernen und mit den kommunikieren und üben"

Richtig wäre:
(That would be the right)
"Ich möchte viele Leute kennenlernen und mit denen kommunizieren und üben."

"Leute" ist schon im Plural. Es gibt von diesem Wort kein Singular.
("Leute" is already in plural. There is no singular for this word existing)

Wie bist du auf die Idee gekommen, gerade Deutsch zu lernen?
(How comes you decided to learn German)

Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag.
(Wish you a nice day)

Language pair: English; German
August 15, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2022
Ich möchte viele Leuten kennenlernen und mit den kommunikieren und üben

Language pair: English; German
King D.
August 14, 2022

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2022
Looking for help with german
I am currently trying to learn german and I would love some help from a native speaker, I can offer english help if requied.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Language pair: German; English
Brian W.
July 28, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Language exchange with me :-)
Dear Friends,

My name is Grace. I am a working professional in lab and native Chinese Mandarin speaker in Sydney Australia. My English level is upper-intermediate but it is not good enough for my work and daily life - I need write up working emails, documents and attend work-related meetings in English environment. I really hope my English level can be improved through active practicing with you. Of course I will help with your achievement in Chinese Mandarin speaking/writing; and can introduce Chinese culture and traditions to you while practicing if you like.

Last not least, Thank you MyLanguangeExchange.com!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Grace W.
July 11, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Hi everyone
Hi, I’m Natasha. I need English practice so much. I love this language and want to know it. But, I can’t without a help. Я живу в России и помогу Вам понять мой родной, прекрасный язык. With pleasure.

Language pair: Russian; English
Natasha G.
April 22, 2022

# Msgs: 1

Looking for someonte to make an English/Spanish exchange
Hello, I´m Isa from Spain.

I am looking for someone to exchange English and Spanish on a regular basis.
I have an upper intermediate level and I would like to improve it because I usually have meetings in English. In exchange, of course, I can help you with your Spanish and show you things about the Spanish culture.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Isa O.
March 27, 2022

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 19, 2023
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