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Category > Culture/History/Ethnology

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Do me a favor
Hi i am looking for helper to inprove my english if there someone could please contact me. Also i can help to whom to learn Mongolian

Language pair: English; 
August 8, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Typical features of Russian people

Language pair: English; Russian
Mohamad S.
July 24, 2018

# Msgs: 8
Latest: July 24, 2018
Re:Re:Typical features of Russian people
Thank you so much for such nice description of Russian people)
You are absolutely right with one exception, not all Russians drink and like vodka, it’s a stereotype) I think it’s because when a foreign tourist comes to our country, Russians can’t but offer one a glass of vodka, cause it’s somehow a traditional beverage.
Concerning unsmiling faces, 100% true, but just imagine in what climate do we live)
And, yep, it’s hard to find a person who can explain to you in more or less good English how to get somewhere, especially older generation.

Thank you! I appreciate your evaluation!

Language pair: Russian; English
Karina I.
May 11, 2018

# Msgs: 8
Latest: July 24, 2018
Re:Typical features of Russian people
Hi I'm Indi from Indonesia. I've been to Russia for a month for an exchange programmme.
These are my impression about Russians:
-Russians without vodkas are not Russians
-i found a lot of people driving with their windows opened and they turned the music/radio on so loud so that everyone can hear them
-don't throw smiles easily to Russians because they might be thinking that you're a fool
-cold outside, warm inside :) they seemed not friendly with strangers but once you talk to them they're so nice and friendly
-if you're going to Russia you have to learn at least for their alphabeth so that you can read signs or you're gonna get lost

I also found that there are a few people who could speak in English but most of them are not. I met with a native there, he couldn't speak in English but he could speak in German. (I think they prefer German to English as their 2nd language because schools there are teaching German) Fortunately i was with a friend from Brazil and they're talking in German in Russia when I didn't even understand one of their languages :(

Language pair: English; Russian
February 9, 2018

# Msgs: 8
Latest: July 24, 2018
Do you want to have friend from Indonesia?
Saya ingin mempunyai teman dari amrika, Inggris atau manapun yang bisa membantu saya belajar bahasa inggris

Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); English
Erika R.
February 6, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Chamorro Wedding Traditions
I am getting married to a Chamorro and he does not know very much nor does he like to ask his family about his culture. Long story short, I don't get along very well with his family and I have been doing research and there is a tradition I would like to clarify. In lieu of the lasso or unity candle, there is a veil that is used. Can someone please explain this tradition or any other wedding customs on Guam? Thank you for your help!

Language pair: English; - Other -
February 4, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Native Americans Traditions
Hi Benni! I'm Native American. I grew up in a traditional family. However, I do not speak the language. What would you like to know?

Language pair: English; Spanish
Manda V.
January 31, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 31, 2018
Planning a trip to India
I am a full English speaking, American. Upon some research I have found my heritage to link to customs of Tamil. I want to go there. My question is... Is a pilgrimage to the temple still something I can do?

Language pair: Tamil; English
Octavia P.
January 21, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Native Americans Traditions
Hi! I would really want to know more about Native American people and traditions, legend and history! I'm Italian, but I live in Spain and I had a dream where I was part of this people!

Language pair: English; Spanish
January 18, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 31, 2018
Re:Typical features of Russian people
Russians are very aggressive drivers.

Language pair: English; Russian
Elena M.
October 22, 2017

# Msgs: 8
Latest: July 24, 2018
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