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Re:HELP me translate FINNISH to ENGLISH
> Monet ovat kuvailleet villeä sanoilla > mysteevinen ja ehkä jopa vaarallinen. >
Many have described Ville with the words mysterious and perhaps even dangerous.
> Näyttääkö tämä nuorukainen vaaralliselta. >
Does this youth look dangerous?
> Fanien kysymykset pistivät herra valon > mietteliääksi. >
The questions of the fans made Mr. Valo think.
> Fanien syntisäkkiin sateli kysymyksiä > evi puolilta eurooppaa yhteensä miltei > 11 000. >
With the questions pouring from different parts of Europe, the fans became responsible of a total of almost 11 000 entries.
> Ville oli renholla tuulella, vaikka > kuvaukset ovatkin uuvuttavia. >
Ville felt relaxed even though the photographing (video recording?) sessions are exhausting.
> -Oli hyvä, että saatiin pidettyä pieni > loma ennen suomen-kiertuetta >
"It was good to get a short vacation before the tour in Finland."
> -En luopuisi urastani lapsen takia > ville pohtii
"I would not give up my career because of a child", Ville ponders.
There were a few typos in the original text: mysteevinen -> mysteerinen evi -> eri renholla -> rennolla Some capital initials were also missing.
The exact meaning of "syntisäkki" (literally "the sack of sins") was somewhat unclear to me. Usually it is used to mean the imaginary record of reproachable deeds.
Language pair: English; Finnish
Juha-Petri T.
November 16, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:just the usual
Dear Fiona, I'm a native finnish and I would like to teach you this beautiful language! I'm not a gold member but if you are, please contact me. My name is...=Minun nimeni on..., Hello=Hei, moi, terve, How are you?=Mitä kuuluu?, Miten voit?
Language pair: English; Finnish
Hanna H.
July 25, 2004
# Msgs: 1
LOOKING for FINNISH and ESTONIAN native speakers.
Hi folks! I'm Daniel. I'm a would-be university graduate. My major is computational linguistics. I'm really desperate for help! I'm in search of a Finnish/Estonian native speaker who needs someone to help her/him learn some Russian or ENGLISH. I'm doing a paper on Finnish and Estonian morphology and ANY help would be highly appreciated!!!!!!! At its best it would be great if you could help me translate some sentences into your language. And let me know what I can do for you. I speak ENGLISH, GERMAN, RUSSIAN and a little bit POLISH. Please, e-mail me if you are interested!!!! IT'S URGENT!
Language pair: English; Finnish
Daniil Y.
May 8, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Hello Marcos, It is "Mitä kuuluu?" It is very polite question and you can answer: "Kiitos hyvää (+entäs sinulle or teille)." Another similar question is "Kuinka voit (voitte)?" if we know that a person has been ill lately or is old one. And answer: "Hyvin, kiitos." or "En oikein hyvin" More everyday question is "Miten menee?" and answer: "Hyvin/okei/Joten kuten/Surkeasti". We (Finns) don't always ask these questions (we are not so polite) if we see each other often. We say only "Hello!" = moi, hei, terve, huomenta and start speaking about the weather or other things.
Language pair: English; Finnish
Hilkka H.
March 29, 2004
# Msgs: 1