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Language > Italian
Category > Study Abroad

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learn italian!!!
Hi!! I'am an italian boy, and I want to improve my English. If someone want to learn italian we can write and talk! contact me!!

Language pair: English; Italian
emanuele c.
September 2, 2011

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 6, 2012
Re:learn and teach
Hello marta!
My name is mima. I'm living in Indonesia.
You are really good in english, aren't you?
I really look forward for anyone who wants to teach me english.
Can we make some close conversation and talking so much about our life? perhaps it would really fun! :D
Anyw, where do you live?

Nice to meet you :)

Language pair: English; Italian
Mima A.
August 30, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 30, 2011
learn and teach
hi! i'm going to study abroad next year..so that I'll improve my english :)
moreover I love teaching my language to other people...
I'm waiting for you ;)

Language pair: English; Italian
August 27, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 30, 2011
Re:Aprender italiano
hola , yo como tigo esoty buscando gente que quiere aprender italiano a cambio de espanol. yo soy italiana asi podemos empezar a conversar. yo tampoco soy miembro de oro pero si he compendido bien , podemo comunicar con email ...

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
francesca c.
July 13, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 27, 2012
Parlare Italiano
Ciao tutti...io sonno Braziliano, i me voglio di parlare Italiano di piu! Non scrivo benne, pero parlo migliore, solo che il problema e che io non trovo molta gente che poi parlare con me! Si ai qualcuno(a) que voi parlare con me io posso ensigniare en cambio Portuguese, Spagnolo o Inglese. Grazie a tutti!

Language pair: English; Italian
Tiago A.
April 4, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Seeking Italian Exchange Partners!!
Hello Gayle,

how are you? I saw you look for someone from Italy. I am available if you want.

See you soon,

Language pair: English; Italian
April 2, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 2, 2011
Seeking Italian Exchange Partners!!
Hi,I am currently studying italian at my local Dante Alighieri language school in Queensland Australia. I would love some assistance and in turn I can help you learn english and we can learn about each others country and culture.

Language pair: English; Italian
Gayle B.
January 13, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 2, 2011
Italian speakers
Ciao! I'm looking for any Italian speakers to chat to and have help with my Italian; I can offer English advice in exchange.

Language pair: English; Italian
Crystal C.
January 11, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:chino -espanol e italiano
hi i am from romania and i can help you with your english and i would love to learn spanish...so cantact me

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
geanina c.
July 6, 2010

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 6, 2010
Re:chino -espanol e italiano
yo hablo español soy nativa de este idioma, si te interesa con guysto puedo enseñarte lo que se, a mi me gustaria practicar el ingles y saber algo del chino

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Tess M.
July 3, 2010

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 6, 2010
Total found: 109 !
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