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Language > Italian
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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İçi heisse haleh.ich Weisz deutschsprach ,italienisch sprache und turkische sprache ish mochte wissen wie kanun ich schreibe briefen un deutsch .ich warte su ihnen antwort. İch Freud mich verbessert Medine briefe .danke deine freundinen. Hâleh

Language pair: German; Italian
haleh n.
June 6, 2015

# Msgs: 1

İçi heisse haleh.ich Weisz deutschsprach ,italienisch sprache und turkische sprache ish mochte wissen wie kanun ich schreibe briefen un deutsch .ich warte su ihnen antwort. İch Freud mich verbessert Medine briefe .danke deine freundinen

Language pair: German; Italian
haleh n.
June 6, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:i know English and Italian , i wanna learn Russian
Ciao Victoria,

Mi piace insegnarti Italiano ed Inglese, se tu vuoi!
I will be happy to teach you Italian and English, if you like!

Vado visitare Sankt Peterburg il prossimo mese, poi spero che
tu vorresti insegnarmi la lingua Russa!

I will visit Sankt Peterburg next month, so I hope that
you would like to teach me something of the Russian language!

Bye, Salute,


Language pair: Italian; Russian
Eric B.
June 2, 2015

# Msgs: 17
Latest: July 23, 2015
Please proofread my short English to Italian translation
Here's what I'm trying to say:

Italian is fun to pronounce. It just rolls off the tongue. Like Spanish, Italian is mostly phonetic, but the rhythm is very different. When I was in Rome, my accent was good enough that nobody answered me in English, even though I didn't understand most of what they were saying.

And here's how I've translated it:

Italiano è divertente da pronunciare. È melliflua. Come spagnolo, italiano è in gran parte fonetica, ma la cadenza è molto diversa. Quando ero a Roma, il mio accento era abbastanza buono che nessuno mi ha risposto in inglese, anche se non ho capito la maggior parte di quello che dicevano.

Thanks for your help!

Language pair: English; Italian
May 26, 2015

# Msgs: 1

i know English and Italian , i wanna learn Russian
i know Arabic ,English and Italian , i wanna learn Russian

Language pair: Italian; English
Marco F.
April 25, 2015

# Msgs: 17
Latest: July 23, 2015
Re:Re:Conversational skills
sono italiana, iscritta da pochi minuti in questo blog. Vediamo se riesco a capire il funzionamento di "reply"

Language pair: Italian; French
patricia r.
January 11, 2015

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 11, 2015
Re:Conversational skills
Can you guys help me with Italian?

Language pair: Italian; French
Cedric D.
December 31, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 11, 2015
Re:Conversational skills
Hey, I can help with the French...
Salut, Je peux t'aider avec le francais! :)

Language pair: Italian; French
Cedric D.
December 31, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 11, 2015
Re:Conversational skills
Hi, would you like to teach me english an lern from me italian?
I,m ready

Language pair: Italian; French
December 28, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 11, 2015
Conversational skills
Hi all... I'm looking for somebody to help me improve my Italian and French conversational skills. Well, it doesn't have to be one person for both languages, and you can be from anywhere in the world :-)
I'm willing to help them with their English conversational skills.
Also, who can recommend a good book or guide for conjugation of verbs and conversation in Italian?

Language pair: Italian; French
Chantel A.
December 23, 2014

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 11, 2015
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