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Language > Norwegian
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:German - Norwegian
Guten Tag, Nikolai! Ich bin Tenn, "Zehn". I'm not fluent in German, but I'm learning, and I think it'd be great to learn the Norweigan equivalents of what I know in German!

Hello, this is a lovely evening: "Hallo! Dies ist ein schoen Abend!" The literal translation of that is "Hello, this is a beautiful evening.

bye- "Auf Wedersehen!"

Please help me- "Helfe mich, bitte?" I'm not quite certain that 'mich' is the proper GRAMMAR, but it does mean 'me'.

Bring me a cold beer: "Ich wird moechte eine kalt Bier." The literal translation of that is I would like a cold beer. From what my German teacher says, 'would like' is always better than 'i want' or 'give me'.

Could I know the same things in Norweigan? That, and "I can speak a little German," "Do you speak German or English?" and "I know English."

In German, those things are "Ich kann spreche klein Deutsch, Ich kann spreche klein Englisch." "Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Sprechen Sie Englisch?" and "Ich weiss Englisch." I know Norwegian: "Ich weiss Norwegisch."

Language pair: German; Norwegian
January 6, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 6, 2008
German - Norwegian
Gothen dagh! Ich bin Nikolai, and I need help from some german-talking-people to improve my German.. I am going to studying German at the atumn 2008 and three yrs. from that..
For example how to say: Hello, this is a lovely evning, bye, see you later, bring me a cold beer and please hep me!.. That's the words/sentence I want to know at german (for now).. Answer, and we're going to do a language exchange! You teach me German, and I teach you Norwegian :D
Thank you..

Language pair: German; Norwegian
Nikolai H.
December 28, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 6, 2008
gaelic (Scottish) - Norwegian
What are "I'm happy to see you2 in Scottish? :S I'll teach you Norwegian in return.

Language pair: Gaelic (Scottish); Norwegian
Nikolai H.
December 26, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:please someone help me
yes only add me

dildo_fifo in hotmail...

Language pair: Spanish; Norwegian
sergio h.
December 5, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 14, 2008
Re:Vil du lære norsk? Or let's speak English!
I can help you in Frech and wanna learn Norwegian and i learn languages fastly. i speak a little bit Swedish and German. do you think it will help?

Language pair: Norwegian; English
November 26, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 26, 2007
Re:Vil du lære norsk? Or let's speak English!
I can help you with your French and I'd like learn in exchange Norwegian. My Norwegian is simply NON but I speak English and a little Swedish and German. Do you think these languages can help me to learn Norwegian?

Language pair: Norwegian; English
November 26, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 26, 2007
Re:Vil du lære norsk? Or let's speak English!
I can help you with your French and I'd like learn in exchange Norwegian. My Norwegian is simply NON but I speak English and a little Swedish and German. Do you think these languages can help me to learn Norwegian?

Language pair: Norwegian; English
November 26, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 26, 2007
Hi there!
I been learning norwegian for two months and I would like to know some useful expressions/slang among young people.
I'm not a gold member so if you are interested, contact me, I'll be glad to talk.
Jeg kan ikke skrive mye, men jeg kan leser og forstår beste.

Language pair: English; Norwegian
Paula C.
November 23, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Vil du lære norsk? Or let's speak English!
I would like to learn French again. I learned it in school, but i have forgotten it all. My level is very poor, but i learn fast!
I can teach Norwegian and/or English in return!

Language pair: Norwegian; English
November 11, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 26, 2007
how do i say this in norwegian?
i want to be with you forever?

Language pair: Norwegian; 
chelsea s.
June 25, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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