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Language > Polish
Category > New Member

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Re:Hello there, I am looking for help in English
Hello my friend I can help you with your English.I hope you answear me and take my e-mail.

Language pair: English; Polish
jose a.
April 30, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 30, 2015
Hello there, I am looking for help in English
Hi all :) I am Dawid . I'd love to talk to somebody from a diffrent country, to practice my language, and meet how you live there :) So please contact me, I do not own Gold Membership :)

Greetings ;)

Language pair: English; Polish
Dawid N.
April 23, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 30, 2015
quiero estudiar spanish
Hola, Soy Rafał de polonia y busco una persona que pueda ayudarme estudiar espanol y hablar conmigo :) por desgracia no tengo gold member :( yo puedo ayudar con polaco :)

Language pair: Polish; 
April 16, 2015

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 18, 2015
Hi everyone! My name is Klaudia. I'm 17. I live in Poland. I'm speaking polish so if you need help - write to me! :)

No gold

Language pair: Polish; English
April 12, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Szukam / suchen
Cześć, szukam osób, które nauczą mnie języka niemieckiego. Ja w zamian nauczę języka polskiego. PILNE!

Ich bin fur die mensachen di ein teil von mir vdrmittlung der deutschen sprache. Ich lehren polnischen sprache. DRINGEND!

Language pair: Polish; German
March 5, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Learning Polish!
Hi I'm new here and would like someone around my age (15-18) to practice speaking some Polish with, however I'm not a gold member! I can help with French or English (I'm bilingual).

Language pair: English; Polish
December 3, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Hi, I'm new here
Hi, my name is Emily. I'm a 20 and I'm a student from Poland. I like writing my own stories; when I was a child I dreamed to be a writer. I'm very thoughtful and creative young woman. I love my crazy dog and my little hamster, but you don't think that I'm childish, I hope :) I just like animals. I want to improve my English and I'll be thankful if your help me by writing with me in that language. :)

Language pair: Polish; English
April 22, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Looking for someone to practice my english
I'm from poland and new here and I want to learn english better and make friends. :)

Language pair: Polish; 
March 27, 2014

# Msgs: 1

gdy czytam - rozumiem prawie wszystko ale zeby zlozyc samemuu zdanie po angielsku... eh..
Witam ... jesli ktos mialby cierpliwosc nauczyc mnie czegos po angielsku to bardzo prosze ;) nie znam sie na gramatyce czasach.. ciezko bedzie cokolwiek napisac po angielsku wiec kto ze mna spedzi czas moze sie usmiac przy czytaniu ;P

Language pair: Polish; English
January 21, 2014

# Msgs: 1

Nice to meet you!
I'm Gosia or just Gos. Lately I got interested to learn more languages because I know only few (Polish, Lithuanian, Russian and English). I would like to learn Japanese and Norwegian languages. That's for now. Then I will finish with them, I'm thinking about Spanish, Italian or maybe German.
I hope someone will have patience with me because I'm only beginning learning Japanese and not even close to Norwegian ^^

Language pair: Polish; Lithuanian
Malgosia R.
December 5, 2013

# Msgs: 1

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