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Hi everybody!
My name is Cornell, my native leanguage is Polisch,but I life in US for many years,so I can speak English wery well and help with both leanguages,I'm interestet to meet somebody who can help me with French,but...from the beginning(I can't say even a word)
Language pair: English; Polish
Cornell S.
February 15, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2012
Want to learn Polish
hi i will be travelling to Krakow next month.I want to know if someone can teach me return i can teach Indian Languages like Hindi, Tamil..I would like to meet you durin my stay in Krakow..
Language pair: Polish; Tamil
Manikandan K.
December 16, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:I want to learn different languages
Hi ! My name is Jon. I live in Chicago. I want to learn Polish because I am Polish and I like a girl from Poland. I go to school and I hate it. The only good part is that I get to learn French. Most of my freinds are Russian, Ukranian, and Polish. I am Russian and Polish. If you need help with any English slang I can help. I also know lots of British and Australian slang from television. Please tell me about yourself and I hope I can be of some assisitance!
Language pair: English; Polish
Jonny P.
September 4, 2009
# Msgs: 7
Latest: September 8, 2009
Re: Polish/English I can teach u Mandarin
Attention: Good Member Native English and/or Polish speakers (age 40+)
I'm a native Chinese(Mandarin)speaker, and lived in Australia for 15 years and worked as professional close to 10 years.
I would like a professional English speaker to imporve my Grammar and writing skills. (PenPal)
Or Polish speaker also understand some English or Mandarin, as my Polish is aboselute beginner. But some how I can read some polish, but I can't write.
I have conversational leavel of Cantonese, so if you like I can practice with you.
In exchange for me to learn Polish, I can teach you Mandarin, or practice Cantonese.
Looking forward to hear from you.
PS. I'm not a gold member.
Language pair: Polish; Chinese, Mandarin
June 28, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Re:Looking for friends or somebody to teach me Polish
Hallo Kat, I'm looking for someone who teach me in English. I'm polish native speaker, so I could improve your polish. I'm not premium member, but I now the way how to take in contact.
Language pair: English; Polish
Thomas K.
April 7, 2009
# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 7, 2009
Re:Hello everyone :)
Hallo my name is Thomas. I would to improve my english. Could you help me.
Language pair: English; Polish
Thomas K.
April 3, 2009
# Msgs: 8
Latest: April 3, 2009
Polnisch <---> Deutsch
Hallo, ich heisse Anna. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und komme aus Polen. Ich gehe noch in der Oberschule. Ich lerne Deutsch seit einigen Jahren, aber alle wissen, welcher Lernstand in der Schule ist. Ich moechte meine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern, weil ich viele Fehler noch mache (ich bin ehrlich :) Aber geht es nicht nur um Lernen. Ich suche einen interessanten Brieffreund.
Lernst du Polnisch? Ich helfe gern. Uczysz sie polskiego? Masz problemy czy pytania? Pisz! Anna
Language pair: Polish;
March 25, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Re:making friends
hello i don't know polish or slovak but i could help u learn my language serbian.. and i would appreciate if u could help me learn ur language :) so please contact me..
Language pair: Polish; Slovak
January 27, 2009
# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 27, 2009
making friends
hi evry1 my names selina im 20 and from the uk if any1 would like to learn my language i would be happy to teach them just let me no and if any1 could help me wiv my polish and slovakian i would really appreciate it thanx
Language pair: Polish; Slovak
selina w.
January 26, 2009
# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 27, 2009
makin friends
hi evry1 my names selina im 20 from the uk and im really interested in learnin slovakian and polish if any1 could help me id appreciate it and in return i will help you learn english thanx
Language pair: Slovak; Polish
selina w.
January 20, 2009
# Msgs: 1