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Language > Polish
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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help with polish
hello everyone. i am looking for some key phrases in Polish as i have some polish students coming to stay with me soon and i would like to be able to say things like 'hello''goodbye''thank you''good night' and so on. any help would be really useful. thank you. chloe

Language pair: English; Polish
July 3, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 20, 2007
Re:Can you help me
Hey! :)
I'm from Slovenia and if you still need help with language I'd be happy to help you.

Language pair: Slovenian; Polish
June 28, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 28, 2007
Re:help me translate?
quote: bardzo dobrze tylko tesknie bardzo za pewna osoba i nie moge sie doczekac az go zobarcze! A ty?

It means: very good but I miss one person so much and can not wait to see him/her! And you?

Language pair: English; Polish
June 18, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 18, 2007
Re:Need urgent help with translation from English to Polish
Co czêsto robisz w poniedzia³ek wieczorem?
(I often jog on Monday evening.)
Czêsto biegam w poniedzia³ek wieczorem.

Co zawsze robisz w niedzielê rano?
(I always go to church on Sunday morning.)
Zawsze w niedziele rano chodzê do koœcio³a.

Jak odpoczywasz?
(I read to relax.)
Czytam dla relaksu.

Co rzadko robisz w czwartek po po³udniu?
(I seldom watch TV on Thursday afternoon.)
Rzadko ogl¹dam telewizje w czwartek popo³udniu.

Co czasami robisz we wtorek?
(I sometimes swim on Tuesday.)
We wtorki czasem p³ywam.

Co czêsto sprz¹tasz?
- I really don't know what this question is asking.
(How often you clean the house??)
Two times per week= dwa razy w tygodniu

Co robisz wieczorem?
(I meet friends in the evening.)
Odwiedzam wieczorem przyjació³.

Kiedy idziesz do szko³y?
(Is it right to answer "Idê do szko³y o dwunasta piêtnaœcie"?)
almost...Ide do szko³y o dwunastej piêtnaœcie

Good stuff. I think soon you will be fluent in polish! All the best!


Language pair: English; Polish
June 18, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 18, 2007
Need urgent help with translation from English to Polish
Hi! I really need help with a basic polish assignment I'm doing. I've just started learning the language and these are the few questions I have to answer - and the answers I'd like to give. Can someone translate the answers into Polish for me please?

Co czêsto robisz w poniedzia³ek wieczorem?
(I often jog on Monday evening.)

Co zawsze robisz w niedzielê rano?
(I always go to church on Sunday morning.)

Jak odpoczywasz?
(I read to relax.)

Co rzadko robisz w czwartek po po³udniu?
(I seldom watch TV on Thursday afternoon.)

Co czasami robisz we wtorek?
(I sometimes swim on Tuesday.)

Co czêsto sprz¹tasz?
- I really don't know what this question is asking.

Co robisz wieczorem?
(I meet friends in the evening.)

Kiedy idziesz do szko³y?
(Is it right to answer "Idê do szko³y o dwunasta piêtnaœcie"?)

I'll be really grateful for help! Also, I'd like to learn the language better by practising. I would be happy to help with either English or Mandarin in return. =) Thank you very much!

Language pair: English; Polish
May 30, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 18, 2007
Can you help me

I'm visiting both countries this year and would like to communicate with local people. Not expecting miracles, just a few helpful words and phrases....

I can offer English help in exchange.


Language pair: Slovenian; Polish
May 27, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 28, 2007
help me translate?
hi i got this message in polish and am having trouble translating!

any help will be returned if you need it w/english or spanish!

here's the phrase:

bardzo dobrze tylko tesknie bardzo za pewna osoba i nie moge sie doczekac az go zobarcze! A ty?


Language pair: English; Polish
Farooq K.
May 24, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 18, 2007
Re:I need help from French-language people

je ne sais pas si tu vienx souvent sur le site. je viens juste de m'inscrire et je souahite apprendre le polonais.

ton message est ancien, as-tu eu la réponse à ta question?

à bientot, peut-être


Language pair: Polish; French
May 22, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 22, 2007
Re:Re:Re:learning polish
I can help you with polish language, but i'm not gold member.
So please contact me.

Language pair: English; Polish
Bartek N.
April 5, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 5, 2007
Re:Re:learning polish
Sorry£¬I can only speak English.I just kown little polish language.

Language pair: English; Polish
´ºÅô Ð.
March 30, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 5, 2007
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