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Salut. Por moi le tennis est le sport prefere . Je faire le tennis aussi le weekend avec un ami.
Language pair: English; Spanish
Edwin G.
September 6, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 6, 2010
I love tennis :) It's my favourite sport ! I play every week with my brtoher or a friend !
Language pair: English; Spanish
July 19, 2010
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 6, 2010
Carolina S.
May 21, 2010
# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 16, 2011
Re:Re:how much language speak you?
hola, me llamo claire. Soy de francia y hablo corrientemente francés. Me gustaria mejorar mi español y seguir pacticando mi ingles. Donc, si ça vous intéresse de former un groupe pour correspondre, contactez-moi. ( je suis un membre réguiler ç_ç ) Salut.
Language pair: French; Spanish
May 1, 2010
# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 16, 2011
Barça 4 ever
I'm a Barça supporter since I was born, we can talk about the best team in the worl in spanish, english and catalan
Language pair: Spanish;
February 1, 2010
# Msgs: 1
Need of Spanish Partner
I am in need of spanish language exchange partner.
Any one who is native speaker of spanish.
my id on msn is kam_nam1.....
I welcome people specially girls. :P
Language pair: Spanish; English
January 4, 2010
# Msgs: 1
hi am a boy looking for friends to Latin language exchange. sports talk
hi am a boy looking for friends to Latin language exchange for Holland perfect Spanish. sports talk. thanks
hola soy un chico en latino busca amigos para intercambio de idiomas, hablo perfecto español y quiero aprender holandes. charla de los deportes. gracias
Language pair: Spanish; English
sergio q.
September 21, 2009
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re: Tennis
i am really interested about sports, what about riding by bicycle?
Language pair: English; Spanish
iñigo g.
July 28, 2009
# Msgs: 1
I like tennis and I know many things about this sport but I practice this for few times.... who would speak of this sport with me?
Language pair: English; Spanish
July 13, 2009
# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 6, 2010
Re:Re:Help with spanish
he visto que hablas espanol y yo quiero que me ensenes el idioma quiero hablar contigo
i could see that you speak spanish and i want that you learn me the language i want speak with you
j'ai vu que tu parles espagnol et je veux que tu m'apprenes la langue je veux parler avec toi
do you want speak with me?
quieres hablar conmigo
tu veux parler avec moi?
Language pair: English; Spanish
fresnedoso de ibor b.
February 20, 2009
# Msgs: 1