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Language > Gaelic (Scottish)
Category > Seeking Partners

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Looking for Gaelic / English penpals
Hi! I am looking for someone who can give me some basics of the Scottish Gaelic language!

I am a high-school (grades 9-12) librarian, and live in the Fort Worth (Texas) area of the US. My husband and I have four adult children and seven grandchildren, and we enjoy taking them on outdoor outings, such as campouts, fishing trips, and sight-seeing.

We are looking forward to a Scottish visit in the next year or two.

My uncle was fluent in the Gaelic language, but alas, I did not live near him when I was young, so I did not learn the language from him. He was also a pretty good piper, as was my dad! We are from the MacFarlane clan.

I hope to hear from someone who would like to do penpal or chats! Please contact me at my email!

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Scottish)
Kathy R.
August 7, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hi Kyra,
maybe we could become friends. It would be great!
I come from Italy and you're right...Italy it's really beautiful!
I'm 23 and I study English at University. I want to practice the language directly with a native speaker, not just to study English phonetics. Do you understand what I mean? Contact me at first, because I'm not a gold member...

Language pair: Italian; Gaelic (Scottish)
July 21, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 21, 2007
hi im Kyra anybody interested in learning english id be glad to help

Language pair: Italian; Gaelic (Scottish)
Kyra S.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 21, 2007
hi im Kyra id be glad to help you with english do u have msn?

Language pair: Italian; Gaelic (Scottish)
Kyra S.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 6
Latest: July 20, 2007
Re:Italian or English for Hindi or Japanese
hey i would love to learn italian if you could help me i love italy in the pictures its so beautiful

Language pair: Italian; Gaelic (Scottish)
Kyra S.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 21, 2007
Bu toil leam bruidhinn Gàidhlig...
Is mise Caitrìona às a' Ghearmailt. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus bu toil leam bruidhinn ri Gàidheil. B' urrainn dhomh a chuideachaidh leis a' Ghearmailtis. Tha mi gu math fìleanta anns a' Bheurla agus tha beagan Fraingis is beagan Eadailtis agam.
'S e "gold-member" a th' annam.
Mar sin leibh an dràsda,

Language pair: Gaelic (Scottish); German
April 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Looking for somebody to teach me Scots Gaelic.
So yeah, anybody out there to teach me scots gaelic would be great. I speak english and french fluently (though my french is quebec french). Contact me through here or I have MSN? So yeah...Reply, jah?

Language pair: Gaelic (Scottish); English
Megan B.
March 17, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Language Help!
Hi, Neon!
I can help you studing Russian if you wish. I am 24 years old girl living in Russia. I like English very much, so I'll be grateful if you will help me to practise this language.
wait for the answer,

Language pair: Russian; Gaelic (Scottish)
Darya P.
December 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

looking for a partner who can teach me gaelic(scottish)
I am looking for someone who can teach me gaelic(scottish). I am hoping to visit scotland in the next two years or so and I would like to learn the language. I have started to learn a little but I have some trouble.

Language pair: Gaelic (Scottish); 
Holly R.
October 6, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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