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hi everyone!
im new and i don't know the way around yet. i hope to get a language exchange partner soon so i can start learning arabic and teachim my partner as well. hope to hear from you guys!
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern;
Angeliza V.
March 31, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Hi Am Arab i also speak English and I would gladly teach u Arabic if ud teach me japanese.
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; English
March 30, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Re:How do we greet in swedish?
Hej = Hello Hur mår du = how are you (feeling) Hur är det = how are you Hur är läget = (what's up) Adjö, hejdå = Good bye På återseende = See you
This is a few examples on swedish greetings.
Language pair: Swedish; Arabic, Middle Eastern
Emanuel K.
March 20, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 20, 2007
To Amir
Salaam Amir,
My native language isnt English but I am quiet good.. though I am afraid my accent is like the Asians! My present concern is to learn Swedish but I had always wanted to learn more of Farsi (i know only a few words and phrases.) so maybe we can help each other.. Wasalaam
Language pair: Swedish; Arabic, Middle Eastern
Rushna R.
March 18, 2007
# Msgs: 1
How do we greet in swedish?
Hello, I am Rushna from Pakistan I want to learn Swedish language or at least its basics as I would Inshallah be visiting sweden for my clinical electives... plz if anyone can help me.!! I am not a gold member so cant initiate a talk with anyone.. but i found a few matches like Sara Peter(norway) Maria|(UAE) who can help me and i can help them inreturn with urdu...
Language pair: Swedish; Arabic, Middle Eastern
Rushna R.
March 18, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 20, 2007
sarah m.
February 4, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Qui pourrait m'apprendre la langue arabe ?
bonjour, je viens de lire le message et j'ai recherché sur skype sans te trouver, mon nom est robidou marie-annick, essayes de me trouver tu auras peut-être plus de chance, a plus tard
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern;
January 20, 2007
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 20, 2007
January 18, 2007
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 20, 2007
Re:Arabic or English exchange for Italian (-:
Ciao, sono italiano, vorrei migliorare il mio arabo e il mio inglese e, se tu vuoi imparare l'italiano, potremmo aiutarci a vicenda, che dici? Hello, I am italian and I'd like to improve both my Arabic and English.. If you want to learn Italian, we could help each other.. ãÑÍÈÇ! Åääí ÝÊì ÅíØÇáí æÃÑíÏ ÊÍÓíä ãÚÑÝÊí ÇáÅäßáíÒíÉ æÇáÚÑÈíÉ Úáì æÌå ÇáÎÕæÕ.. ÅÐÇ ÃÑÏÊ ÊÚáã ÇáÃíØÇáíÉ ÝÇßÊÈí áí Giuseppe
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Italian
January 18, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Qui pourrait m'apprendre la langue arabe ?
je suis française je peux vous proposer d'apprendre ou d'approfondir par oral ou écrit la langue française, et en retour j'aimerai apprendre l'arabe et même l'écrire et je suis très motivée, je suis assez disponible car je ne travaille plus . je me débrouille un peu en anglais. I would learn arabic language, I live in France en Britain near the sea, and i speak english a little Merci de me contacter je ne suis pas a gold member
Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern;
January 17, 2007
# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 20, 2007