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Language > English
Category > Culture/History/Ethnology

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Re:Quiero saber mas sobre Mexico
HOOLA¡ YO Soy mexicana, y te puedo ayudar de todo lo que quieras saber sobre México, me gusta mucho la historia de mi país¡ lamentablemente yo no se mucho de Lituania, pero seria bueno que tu también me ayudaras.
ESPERO que me contestes. AdIOSS¡ :)

Language pair: English; Lithuanian
carolina T.
January 16, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:hey hey
Hey. I'm trying to find someone who is willing to teach me gaelic. I would love to learn the language. I am native english. I speak german.

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Irish)
January 7, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 17, 2008
Vietnam - Do U know about???
I'm proud of a Vietnamese!!!
I want to tell U about my country!

Language pair: English; 
nguyen v.
January 3, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 20, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Re:looking for english spoken people

Je viens de m'inscrire sur ce site de correspondance et souhaitais précisément aider des personnes à se perfectionner en français.

Si vous l'acceptez, je pourrai vous conseiller dans ce sens.
A bientôt peut-être.

Language pair: French; English
December 29, 2007

# Msgs: 8
Latest: January 18, 2008
intercultural communication
hi, everyone, i'm a Chinese.my major is english teaching, so i want to improve it and practise french. now i'm teaching intercultural communication. email me please if you're interested in such course.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Sophie K.
December 9, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hola glorýa luz estoy estudýando espanol yo se el ýngles y tengo que practýcar
please help me ý thýnk we can make frýends ý need your help thank you very much ýn advance

Language pair: Spanish; English
merwee y.
December 1, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 1, 2007
Re:I want to know people from europe and learn english
hola martha lopez yo soy estudýante de espanol filologia
ý need your help spanýsh ýs a very beautýful language
and of course ý know englýsh but so as not to forget ýt ý must practýce
ý hope we can help eachother

Language pair: English; 
merwee y.
December 1, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hola glorýa yo soy estudýante e espanol filologia y yo se el ingles pero tengo que practýcar

ý hope you can help me about spanýsh and ýnglýsh
ý am interested ýn resadýhg lýstenýng musýc and fýlms
thank you

Language pair: English; Spanish
merwee y.
December 1, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 1, 2007
I need help...
I am researching my ancestory for my anthropology class. I need to ask someone living in France some questions to understand things a little better. PLEASE help me. You can penpal me. Thank you!!

Language pair: English; 
November 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Ïðèâåò. Êàê õîðîøî òû çíàåøü ðóññêèé ÿçûê?!

Language pair: English; Russian
November 19, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 19, 2007
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