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Spell check: Answer to Dwyn's question
Dwyn asked if there was a spellchecker for these messages. I'm not aware of one that we can use when we enter messages on the boards, but I'll tell you how I spellcheck my messages: I write them in MS-Word. It works very well for me, because it tells me of many spelling or grammar errors while I'm typing. It's also handy in MS-Word, because the Tools menu also has a word count feature that also tells me how many characters I have. And when you love talking as much as I do, that's priceless to me. I have so much trouble keeping my messages shorter than 3000 words!
One suggestion I would offer to those who want to become adept at using Word's grammar and spell checkers is, never allow either to work unsupervised--especially not the grammar checker, but really either one.
The grammar checker's grammar rules are not always the same ones I use. Sometimes, it tries to correct things that I know aren't wrong, and has often overlooked errors that were really blaring. There are really two problems with any grammar checker. First, all of the rules of English Grammar cannot be programmed into a computer; only a significant handful. Second, there are many controversial grammar rules, and we may not always agree with the grammar rules that Microsoft's programmer chose to implement. For example, a new rule according to the Modern Language Association holds that it is no longer necessary to double-space between sentences. You can use one space, or two spaces, as long as you choose one or the other and always do it the same way. Of course, if you decide to single-space between sentences, your grammar checker is going to hold you up for an hour fixing "errors" that aren't wrong.
The problem with spellcheckers is that they will only catch spelling errors that make non-existent words. It's very easy to see that "teh" is an error and to suggest you may have meant to type "the." But if you are typing "then" and it comes out "hen,” the spell checker won't see a problem there. As far as it's concerned, you did a great job of spelling "hen" and it has no way of knowing that that isn't what you meant to type.
So I share with you the same advice I give all of my composition students: Spell-checkers and grammar checkers can be very useful. But they are never a replacement for careful, conscientious proofreading.
I always proofread my messages several times. Once when I write them, once again some time later (If I'm writing something that needs to be of high quality, I wait a minimum of 24 hours before proofreading again. I proofread it again before I cut and paste it into MyLanguageExchange, and once more before I hit the submit button.
But I am, as you all know, pretty anal about such things. Happy composing!
Mark Springer Sacramento, CA, USA
Language pair: English; All
Mark S.
February 26, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Unprintable quotes and apostrophes
My message number 45254 taught me an interesting lesson:
If you choose to edit your messages in MS Word and cut and paste them into mylanguageexchange, be sure to watch out for quotation marks. MS word uses very pretty quotation marks that slant left and right so that they look better in your document. But like the Z with a tail character, it's outside the basic character set, and as you will have seen, they don't print correctly on the bulletin board. I needed to go back in and convert all of those fancy characters back into regular " " and ' ' quote marks and apostrophes.
In case you were wondering about that, and in case you want to know how to avoid it...
Mark Springer Sacramento, CA USA.
Language pair: English; English
Mark S.
February 18, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 18, 2005
Typing accents and other international characters:
There was a question on another board about how to type characters with accents in our messages. I told him that I¡¦d answer his question here, just in case someone else has the same question, because this would be the best board to look on for such an answer. I hope this document is helpful to Patrick, and to whoever else might have this question.
If you have MS-Word, open the ¡§Symbol¡¨ command on the ¡§Insert¡¨ menu. The Symbol window will show you all of the most common international characters. You can either type your message in MS Word, inserting international symbols as needed from this Insert / Symbol window, cutting and pasting your completed message into Language Exchange¡¦s create message window, or you can note down the Alt- key codes for the characters you¡¦ll want to use, as they appear here in the symbol insert window. Once you have the alt-key code for the symbol you want, you can manually enter it in either in MS-Word, or in any other application, such as Language Exchange message create. To do this, just hold down the alt key while you type all four characters of the alt code (be sure and add as many zeros to the beginning of the code number as it takes to make four digits. When you release the Alt key after entering the four-digit key code, your special character will appear.
When using ¡§insert / symbol,¡¨ it¡¦s important to remember that only the basic character sets, like Times New Roman, or Ariel will work reliably in Language Exchange create message. The more sophisticated language sets such as Times New Roman Special G1 or Wingdings contain characters that are not supported by Language Exchange, and will appear as an unprintable character: „Ð There are exceptions to this. For example, Amazon, in message 45033, has entered some wonderful Japanese and Chinese characters. I posted a message asking her how she managed that, and I¡¦m still waiting to hear back.
If you like to type your messages in Word and then cut and paste them into create message afterwards, there are some more convenient shortcuts for typing these international characters. To get these shortcuts, Use the office assistant to search for the phrase, ¡§keyboard shortcuts for international characters¡¨ This will bring up a list of all of the most commonly used international characters, along with the keyboard shortcuts that will create them. These shortcuts are very easy to remember and pretty easy to use.
I hope some of you find this helpful. See you on the boards!
Mark Spinger Sacramento, CA USA
Language pair: English; English
Mark S.
February 18, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 18, 2005
Teclear acentos y otros caracteres internacionales
Esta es una repuesta para mensaje 45134 por Patrick, quien quería saber cómo teclear acentos en los mensajes. Lo dije que le contestará aquí, porque tal vez otras con la misma pregunta buscarán tal repuesta aquí. Ojalá que este es ayudante por Patrick, y por otros.
Si tiene MS-Word, abre “Symbol” en el menú “Insert.” Aquí puede encontrar los símbolos internacionales más común. Puede o teclear su mensaje aquí en MS Word, entrando los caracteres con Insert/Symbol, o puede notar los códigos Alt que se muestran en ese ventana. Noto todos los códigos Alt por cada carácter que necesitaré, y con esos códigos, puede entrar los caracteres a mano, o en MS-Word o en cualquiera aplicación, aún aquí en el formulario para crear mensajes. Para hacer esto, solo mantener la tecla, Alt apretado hasta ha tecleado todos los cuatro dígitos del código Alt. A soltar el tecla Alt, aparecerá el carácter indicado.
Usando “insert / symbol” es importante usar solamente los colecciones de caracteres bastante sencillos, como Times New Roman y Ariel. Los que tienen más caracteres especiales no son compatibles con esta sitio. Por ejemplo, si trates de teclear el zeta con una cola en Times New Roman Special G1, carácter numero 253, solo veremos el símbolo por un carácter que no puede aparecer:
Hay excepciones para eso; por ejemplo, Amazon, en mensaje 45033 ha tecleado caracteres muy bonitas de japonés y chino. No sé como lo ha logrado; le envié una mensaje, y espero una repuesta.
Sí le gusta teclear sus mensajes in Word y cortar y pagarlos en esta página de la red después, hay unos atajos más convenientes para teclear esos caracteres. En MS Word Help Assistant, Usa “search” para buscar la frase, “keyboard shortcuts for international characters” Eso le mostrare maneras de teclear esos caracteres muy fáciles de acordarse.
Ojalá que ese es ayudante. ¡Hasta Luego!
Mark Spinger Sacramento, CA USA
Language pair: Spanish; Spanish
Mark S.
February 18, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:Polish characters on text chat
I know how to do this in MS Word, but not in text messaging here at this web site. If you find out, please let me know.
I've learned that in MS Word, on the Insert Menu, you can do an insert symbol. I usually use the Times New Roman font, but if I change the font to Times New Roman Special G1, I see all of my missing Turkish characters, as well as at least some of the characters you need for Polish.
But I cannot cut them from word and paste them into the message forms here at Language Exchange, nor can I use the appropriate alt- codes to type them in directly, because the font here uses the same character set as the default Times New Roman font.
I know that's not much help, but it's all I know. Please let me know anything you learn about this, because it will probably help me too.
Mark Springer Sacramento, CA, USA
Language pair: English; Polish
Mark S.
February 14, 2005
# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 28, 2005
Typing turkins dotless "i"s and dotted "I"s.
Anybody know how to type Turkish I's in these forms? I tried doing it in Word and pasting it here, but it came out unprintable. I also tried shifting to another character set and finding it at Alt-0207, but when I put Alt-0207 here, it comes out as I with an umlaut Ï.
Anybody out there working in Turkish figured this one out?
Mark Springer Sacramento, CA, USA
Language pair: Turkish; English
Mark S.
February 14, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Chicago R.
February 11, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Pattie P.
January 23, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Hi, everybody interested in Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian! I’ve seen that some people would like to learn those idioms, and also that some other offer their help. The problem is that the two sides probably don’t know how to do that. Let us try this way: I will post my lessons and additional material on the BULLETIN BOARD and in the CLUB LIBRARY (Language 1 Serbian, language 2 English). There are also WORD GAMES in the language section SERBIAN (SERBO-CROATIAN), type OTHER, related to the words and expressions used in the lessons. I’ll inform you within the lessons, which category of game you should select. They are puzzling and demand some effort do discover what it's all about. They are a kind of mental gym, and I hope you’ll enjoy them. It’s not necessary that you have golden membership, but you should be at least a regular member (it's free!). Allways log in. That saves you from unnecessary warnings and messages.
Please consult the BULLETIN BOARD (Activities and Games). Click the option VIEW ALL MESSAGES and look for the title SERBIAN/CROATIAN/BOSNIAN. The message will contain the necessary instructions and references on the previous messages, which make part of our course. Your comments, especially concerning the different forms of expression in Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian, are welcome. These idioms are very similar, but not identical. I’m obviously no native English speaker but I’ll do my best. If you help me improve my English, you’ll automatically improve the quality of our course. Don’t forget to look up in the CLUB LIBRARY! You’ll find a lot of useful expressions, but also some rubbish (not from me!).
Language pair: Serbian; English
Aleksandar D.
December 10, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Does anyone use SAP ?
In my previous incarnation I used to direct a group of programers and organisation specialists. One of our most important projects was the migration from Siemens KORDOBA to SAP.You can learn almoust everything about SAP in Walldorf (Germany) but if You intend to pay it all with your own money, than better forget about it. I suppose you aren't by chance a millionaire, are you? Apart from that, there are so many moduls for different industrial branches that you can spend all your life learning how to customize and interconect them. So decide, first of all, what should be your focal point. And by the way, the entire SAP software and the manuals are written in english. So why dont you get your courses at home? Good luck!
Language pair: English; All
Aleksandar D.
December 2, 2004
# Msgs: 1