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Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:Re:Useful expressions when you like something
I have never heared 'trip' used in that context. I think I'd probably have heared it if it was a british phrase. I've also checked with an American friend who says he's never heared it either.

Of course, that doesn't mean it's not used in some areas, maybe it's a regional expression.

Language pair: English; All
Kathryn C.
July 23, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 23, 2003
Re:a load of BOLLOCKS
Yes, this is a great word.

You can say "that's bollocks" which means that it's bad or that it is untrue, for example if someone tells you something which you don't believe you might say "that's bollocks" or "You're talking bollocks".

Or if you say "bollocks" on its own that is just an expression of annoyance.

You can also say that something is "the dog's bollocks" which actually means that it's a very good thing.

In Ireland bollocks is usually pronounced and often written "bollix", particularly if you're in Dublin. You'll often hear people use it.

Language pair: English; All
Kathryn C.
July 23, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Useful expressions when you like something
Here are some useful slang phrases which you might use in English to show that you like something or that it is good.

"Cool" - this is very common and will be understood in any English speaking country. It means that something is good. You can apply it to anything, "it's cool", "that is cool", "he/she is cool", etc.

"That rocks" - fairly common phrase for something that is very good. You can apply it to people as well as things or experiences. "You rock!", "that rocked", etc. It's usually only applied to things that are a bit exciting.

Those ones are originally American but have spread due to american movies & music. I think.

British people might say something was "wicked" or "smashing" if they thought it was good. Those will probably not be understood by Americans. Actually "wicked" probably will now because of Harry Potter books and movies which have become very popular in the US.

You can say "that's wicked", "that's smashing" or you can just say them on their own to indicate approval "wicked!" or "smashing!".

You could also say something is "Brill" which is just short for "Brilliant" and means it was very good.

"nifty" - this really means that something is useful. You wouldn't normally apply it to a person, just things. So a very useful or clever gadget would be nifty.

"fab" - this is short for fabulous. It means very good and can be applied to people or things.

There are loads of other words you could use to show that you like things. Maybe people will add more to this message if they can think of them...

Language pair: English; All
Kathryn C.
July 19, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 23, 2003
Re:que significa 'vaya faena' y otra cosa ...
Tu profesor no dice "jos dia"; sinó "OSTIA".
Ostia es un pedazo muy pequeño de pan que el sacerdote da en la misa. Por tanto, tu profesor blasfema cuando dice "ostia". Pero hay palabras peores como "OSTIA PUTA"= ostia prostituted.

Language pair: Spanish; English
oscar p.
July 7, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Jedermann möchten Englisch erlernen?
Hey, ist mein Name Michael und ich bin ein sechzehn-Jahr-alter Amerikaner, der in Bitburg, Deutschland für ungefähr drei Jahre wohnte und wirklich Deutsches erlernen möchte. Kann jemand mir helfen? Ich würde mehr als willend, jedermann mit Englisch zu helfen sein. Ich bin nicht eine Goldmitgliedsso gerade E-mail ich.

Language pair: English; German
Michael H.
June 27, 2003

# Msgs: 1

I've got a curiosity toward this languange and need some help
hey i'm a normal 16-year-old from america. My name is Michael and i'm really interested in exploring the dutch languange. i would greatly appreciate any and all help. Thanks!

he, mon nom est Michael, j'ai 16 ans. je veux vraiment apprendre le fancais ou le neerlandais. Je serais tres greatful pour n'importe quelle aide. Remercie l'alot!

Language pair: English; Dutch
Michael H.
June 27, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:want to learn italian
Hi Erica, if you want to practice your Italian, here I am. Use me ;-). You can also find me on the Text chat. Bye bye

Language pair: English; Italian
June 26, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Basic Slovak
If you want we can exchange the knowledge about native languages.
I'm from Slovak reublic and i'd like to improve in English.
Bye for now.

Language pair: English; Slovak
Emilia K.
June 18, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Can anyone help me with my spanish? (alguien me puede ayudar con mi espanol?)
Hi, my name is Roger, i am english, i am learning spanish and would like to talk to any native spanish speakers, as i would like to become fluent at speaking spanish. I am not a goldmember, so please send me a message if you are interested.

Tambien, mi lengua native es ingles por supuesto, por esa razon, si lo quieres, me gustaria ayudarte para mejorar su conocimiento del ingles. Mandame un mensaje si estas interesando en hablar conmigo y en hacer amigos. Ciao.

Language pair: Spanish; English
May 28, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:I want to learn English
Hola Raquelin, mi nombre es Roger, soy ingles, estoy interesado en aprender el espanol. Si lo quieres, puedo ayudarte don tu ingles. Mi lengua nativa es ingles por supuesto. Tambien, me gustaria que tu puiseras ayudarme con mi espanol. No soy un "goldmember" pero tu puedes mandarme un mensaje cuando recibes este. Cuidate.

I will be more than happy to help you with your spanish, please feel free to send me an e-mail. We can chat and help each other.
I have been to madrid, it was great!!

Language pair: English; Spanish
May 28, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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