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Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:Egyptian Slang
i speak spanish as well but i also like to know spanish dialects
i am full italian but spanish i love

Language pair: English; Spanish
May 17, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 13, 2007
How to say:"I'll marry you" on Arabic,Egyptian!

Language pair: English; Arabic, Egyptian
Jasmina M.
May 15, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Hi...I'm an English teacher who can speak some Georgian...I have georgian friends(in London)....I know it's too late for Valentine's day..but you can say....
chemi khar....you are mine...or shen chemi khar...kh as in scottish loch...or Welsh ..bach....

chemi iknebi...? is literally ..will you be mine....
or you can say to a girl....me miqvarkhar dzalian bevrs.....which is ..I love you very much....q...is a georgian sound at the back of your throat....no English equivalent...!!!!!

Good luck with the Georgian ..it's a difficult,but beautiful language!!!!

Language pair: English; Georgian
Andrew i.
April 7, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Can you help me?
Hi there!
I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with
filipino(tagalog) im not very good!

My boyfriend is filipino and I would like to communicate better
with him and his family

Language pair: English; Filipino (Tagalog)
March 5, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:how to say things in english !!!!
In Ireland we say "I'll ring you" or "I'll call you". I think "ring" is British English rather than American English.

You could also say "I'll give you a ring/call" ie, they can both be used as nouns or verbs.

Slang terms... In Ireland we would also say "I'll give you a shout" to mean that we will phone someone, but I don't know if that's common outside Ireland.

Language pair: English; French
Kathryn C.
March 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'm trying to learn as much Korean as possible please help me!

Hi...I'm 25 years old Korean. I can help you learing Korean.

If you are interested in me...contact me.

Hope to hear you soon.

Best regards.

Language pair: Korean; English
Sung Sik M.
January 21, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:does this expression exist?
Yes, both expressions are used in the United States, and anyone reading a dissertation will have heard them. However, as with the UK replies, both expressions are considered rather informal.

Also, a much more common variation is to 'set the world on its ear'

Language pair: English; All
January 9, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:Enseigne-moi Portuguese! Teach me Portuguese!
Just leave messages like this:
"To Armando" plus you question...and I'll answer you!

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Armando D.
December 16, 2002

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 16, 2002
Re:Enseigne-moi Portuguese! Teach me Portuguese!
Como vai....I can help you easssssly...you have, just, to put your questions in the board and I'll answer you!


Language pair: Portuguese; English
Armando D.
December 16, 2002

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 16, 2002
Hi I would be gald to help you but unfortunatly I don´t know the word Boob, and my dictionary does not knows it as well. Perhaps you can try to explain it to me. Maybe then we could find a good translation. Ulrike

Language pair: English; German
December 15, 2002

# Msgs: 1

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