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Language > Bulgarian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:English for Bulgarian :)
hi mags!
how about bulgarian for english?


Language pair: Bulgarian; English
October 26, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hello everybody !! Macedonian , Serbian and Bulgarian !!
I´m a 31 years old portuguese guy living in Barcelona - Spain.
I was born in Lisbon and I´m looking for people native macedonian or serbian who are interested in learning portuguese or spanish.
I love the Balkans and I have some knowledge in bulgarian ... please, if you are interested contact me !! Regards !!

Language pair: Macedonian; Bulgarian
César A.
August 22, 2007

# Msgs: 1


Language pair: English; Bulgarian
August 7, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 7, 2007
hey! i would love to learn bulgarian
please reply to this

ps my first language is english and i know french

Language pair: English; Bulgarian
Twilightdrmz j.
August 4, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 7, 2007
Re:Learning Bulgarian
hey! i'll help with english and i want to learn bulgarian

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
Twilightdrmz j.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:I want a pen pal
hey! i'm a first year university student in canada and i think it'd be great if we could be penpals. i would love to learn bulgarian and i'm getting a little bit desperate to find someone who would teach me. i would help you with your english as well.

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
Twilightdrmz j.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:English for Bulgarian!!!!!!!!
want to teach me bulgarian?

Language pair: Bulgarian; English
Twilightdrmz j.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 19, 2007
Re:Re:Language help!
hey i would love to help you with english in exchange for bulgarian!

Language pair: English; Bulgarian
Twilightdrmz j.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 19, 2007
Looking for a partner
Hey! i speak english and i'm pretty good at french.
i am looking for someone to teach me bulgarian.
please message me back!!

Language pair: English; Bulgarian
Twilightdrmz j.
July 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

multi skilled ;)
elo :)
im a polish girl livin' in uk.
i'd like to learn bulgarian or russian, actually i'd like to learn as many as possible languages but let's start with those two ;) if anyone would like to teach me or just chat a bit u r welcome
maybe some german native speaker are present?
regrettable im not a goldmember but i got msn ;)
nick: yourvasina
if anyone's interested mail me :)

Language pair: Polish; Bulgarian
May 13, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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