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Language > Finnish
Category > Seeking Partners

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Italian anybody? Or really anything will do :D
I'm looking to learn a new language, I know the basics of Italian and Spanish and I would like to learn more.
I can help you with your English or teach you Finnish :)

Language pair: Italian; Finnish
Jane D.
October 19, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 21, 2011
Re:Finnish Language Partner?

I'm a native finnish speaker wo would be happy to help and learn even the little French you know. I can only count to 10 : )

so if you don't have too many people already teaching you Finnish, may I have your e-mail adress?

Language pair: English; Finnish
Jane D.
October 19, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 7, 2012
English native wanting to learn Finnish or Russian
Hey! My name is Lauren. I live in the United States.

My Russian is pathetic, and I want to go into college having something to build off of, since I plan on majouring in the language. I also really want to study Finnish, simply because I love the language.

My dad mentioned that there are regional dialects in Russia, but if anyone is from the Krasnoyarsk area, where my family is from, and would be willing to help me, that would be fantastic!

Language pair: Finnish; Russian
Lauren S.
May 10, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 19, 2011
I would love to teach you what Finnish I can. If you teach me some Spanish and/or Italian.
Voin opettaa sinua suomalaisia ​​jos opetat minulle espanjaksi tai joidenkin italialaisten,

Language pair: Finnish; Swedish
Miki H.
March 21, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 21, 2011
I would love to teach you what Finnish I can. If you teach me some Spanish and/or Italian.
Voin opettaa sinua suomalaisia ​​jos opetat minulle espanjaksi tai joidenkin italialaisten,

Language pair: Finnish; Swedish
Miki H.
March 21, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 21, 2011
German speaking people wanting to learn Finnish?

I'm a Finn speaking fairly good English and German. I can teach you Finnish but i'd like to communicate mostly in German to improve my skills in it.

Liebe Grüße,


Language pair: Finnish; German
February 21, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 6, 2014
Juttuseura tarvitaan
haluaisin oppia suomee suomalaiselta. Olen 27 vuotias mies, ja voin auttaa opettelemaan englantia myös.
Tämä sivu on aika kakka, siis jos olet kiinnostunut, lähetä viesti sivulleni youtubessa. Nimimerkkini on Eightyeightdays.
Toivottavasti tämä viesti jää näkyvään tänne.
Ei kukaan täällä ole kultajäsen!

Language pair: English; Finnish
January 13, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Dan from Sweden!
I want to learn Finnish, if you want a partner just write me to my m s n: ana_de_austria

Language pair: Finnish; Swedish
Macarena L.
August 31, 2010

# Msgs: 6
Latest: August 31, 2010
Re:Need some help to learn Spanish
Hola! No soy de Venezuela pero casi (soy de un poco más abajo, en Argentina :) ). Puedo ayudarte con el idioma y puedes ayudarme con el tuyo, que es tan bonito ^-^

Hello! I'm not from Venezuela but almost (I'm from little bit lower, in Argentina). I can help you with my language and you can help me with yours, wich is so pretty ^-^

Language pair: Finnish; Spanish
Macarena L.
August 30, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 30, 2010
Re:Re:looking for a finnish person
I'm seeking a partner for learn Finnish O.O
This system of gold membership it's annoying -.-

Language pair: Finnish; Spanish
Macarena L.
August 30, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 30, 2010
Total found: 216 !
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