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hello first time here for me how do you read me ?
Language pair: French; - Other -
alain L.
May 9, 2007
# Msgs: 1
iqra c.
January 17, 2007
# Msgs: 1
French accent marks muddled
Using a French keyboard or using the ALT method of creating French accents,an intermittant problem arises which changes the accented letters into other letters. When I type the accents everything is in order until the email is sent. Is the problem in the server? What can be done about this? An example:the é in allé becomes "A" with a Spanish accent plus a "c" inside a circle. Please advise. Thank you, Cheryl
Language pair: English; French
Cheryl H.
May 27, 2006
# Msgs: 1
Re:How to make a NAMELESS FOLDER?
Salut, pour faire ça tu dois maintenir la touche "ALT" enfoncée puis tu tapes 255 sur le pavé numérique, ça fait le caractère ASCII 255, et il est invisible ;) Je cherches à améliorer mon anglais pour aller travailler aux US, je suis programmeur et j'habites en France. A bientôt !
Language pair: French; English
Antoine L.
April 3, 2006
# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 3, 2006
Re:How to make a NAMELESS FOLDER?
Salut, pour faire ça tu dois maintenir la touche "ALT" enfoncée pendant que tu tapes 255 sur le pavé numérique, ça fait le caractère ASCII 255, et il est invisible ;) Je cherche à améliorer mon anglais pour aller travailler aux US, je suis programmeur et j'habite en France. A bientôt !
Language pair: French; English
Antoine L.
April 3, 2006
# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 3, 2006
Re:Re:How to make a NAMELESS FOLDER?
Hello I'd like to learn technical english to work in US, I'm 30 and live in France, where I'm software engineer. Felix we could help us together, how old are you ? bye
Language pair: French; English
Antoine L.
April 3, 2006
# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 3, 2006
Français & Español: voice chat
Bonjour! ¡Hola! Hejsan!
Dear Friends! I’m a young lad in my 30-s, optimistic and with sense of humor. If you are native FRENCH or SPANISH speakers and want to communicate live in voice chat, I’d be more than happy to make your acquaintance. In return I can offer you Russian & Swedish.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Let’s talk!
Language pair: French; Spanish
December 17, 2005
# Msgs: 1
Re:please recommend: European-developed audio instruction courses?
I'm always on the look-out for language programs and books and there is no doubt that the English speaking world has the largest selection and range.
Price-wise the best value are the 'Teach Yourself Series' and the 'Colloquial... ' series. They have a huge range of languages covered and if you finish the course you can speak the language. There really is a lot of rubbish out there though when it comes to computer and tape courses
Language pair: Italian; French
August 8, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Software Translation
Hi I am a 19 year old titled computer specialist. I am currently working on a couple softwares projects. 1 deals with culture the other one deals with online games. I would like to find someone who would help with the translation of this software, in return I am willing to give full reproduction, and distribution rights of such software (exept in USA). I Speak English and Spanish. My french is not good. I need to translate to French and Italian. Either a guy or a girl is fine. By the way i will be traveling to france in the beggining of 2005! my dream,.. I am not sure what part of france yet, ill go basically anywhere as long as its france!
Language pair: English; French
Greg I.
August 5, 2004
# Msgs: 1
APA KHABAR? MY NAME IS LUCIE I'm FRENCH,I would like to learn bahasa indonesia and I could TEACH you french,I live in FRANCE. GOOD BYE!!! je m'appelle Lucie ,je suis française et je voudrais apprendre le bahasa indonesia en échange je peux vous apprendre le français.
Language pair: Indonesian (Bahasa); French
January 5, 2002
# Msgs: 1