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Re:Hallo leute
Hey! Ich möchte gern Deutsch lernen, ich mache so viele falsche jetzt mit grammar und ich kann dir helfen mit Englisch.
Language pair: English; German
December 23, 2009
# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 23, 2009
Re:Hallo leute
Hey! Ich möchte gern Deutsch lernen, ich mache so viele falsche jetzt mit grammar und ich kann dir helfen mit Englisch.
Language pair: English; German
December 23, 2009
# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 23, 2009
Into the Wild
Hi, all of you! A few days ago, I watched the movie "Into the wild". Does anybody of you know? I loved it, and would be glad, it we could talk about it, in Russian, German, or English. (I'm not a goldmember) Greetings from Germany!!!
Language pair: Russian; German
September 6, 2009
# Msgs: 1
September 4, 2009
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 4, 2009
Merci pour la reponse - Marie
Bon soir Marie! Merci pour la reponse. J'ai déjà pensé de ne personne pas sait comment dire ca. Pour éxpliquer: quand j'ai commencer apprendre francais il n'y avait pas des films en 3D. Ice Age était la première film à cette facon, dans la ville où laquelle j'habite.
Est-ce-que tu as envie de communiquer avec moi? Nous pouvons discuter par exemple de savoir-vivre en France. Ou d'une autre thème. Bien-sûr - s'il y a des autres qui veulent raconter quelque chose ou qui veulent savoir quelque chose d'Autriche par exemple - Alors, write back!
Language pair: German; French
Stauz -.
August 20, 2009
# Msgs: 1
What's new Anna, Guten Tag! Was ist los?
Hello Anna,
How are you? Hey have you seen the french movie amiele? I probably misspelled the name of the movie, it came out several years ago. It was sub titled in english. She goes through a strange transition, See if you know the movie,I'll look it up for the proper spelling of the title......:)
Iain.............. :)
Language pair: English; German
August 4, 2009
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 4, 2009
I can speak german...
Language pair: German; English
July 30, 2009
# Msgs: 1
I can speak german...
Language pair: German; English
July 30, 2009
# Msgs: 1
we could write each ohter if you wish
bis bald
Language pair: English; German
Hia A.
December 24, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 24, 2008
HI I like to find someone speak germany
Language pair: English; German
sara901 a.
December 23, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 24, 2008