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Language > Vietnamese
Category > Jokes

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hi everybody ^-^
like funny,joking so glade to make friend with someone has the same interest.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Vũ H.
March 10, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:chao ban , ni hao...
Hi! I'm from VN, in need of speaking English & I can help u practice VNmese in English. Nice 2 meet u!

Language pair: Vietnamese; Chinese, Mandarin
Junnie T.
December 18, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 18, 2009
Re:chao ban , ni hao...
hello,what's your skype?we can keep in touch.

Language pair: Vietnamese; Chinese, Mandarin
Beng W.
December 10, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 18, 2009
Re:chao ban , ni hao...
I am Chinese£¬I can teach u Chinese.My skype is hamu1989

Language pair: Vietnamese; Chinese, Mandarin
Beng W.
December 8, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 18, 2009
chao ban , ni hao...
Ciao, i wanna practice vietnamise and chinese i'm italian, i can speak english portughese vietnamese quite well and a little chinese too, hope to find sombady wants learn italian and talk to me mostly in vietnamese and chinese.

Language pair: Vietnamese; Chinese, Mandarin
December 4, 2009

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 18, 2009
vietnamese man
hi, i'm vietnameses, i want to learn japanese, please help me

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
khanh n.
October 11, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I'm glad to tell you about food, culture and the customs of the Vietnamese, especially teach you Vietnamese.
Hello (Xin chao)

I'm a girl from Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam. My English isn't very bad but It's not enough for me to work in. So I'm trying to improve it.

I'm glad to tell you about food, culture and the customs of the Vietnamese, especially teach you Vietnamese. It's the way I can improve my English.

If you are interested in my message, contact to me. I'm willing to help you.

Nice to meet you

Goodbye (Tam biet)

Language pair: English; Vietnamese
Thu N.
August 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I want to improve my English!I'll help you Vietnamese!
Hi!I'm a student,My English is not good,can you help me?In return,I'll love to help you Vietnamese!I'm not a gold member!hope to meet you soon!

Language pair: English; Vietnamese
Lan N.
August 2, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Bonjour tout le monde,

J'aimerais ameliorer mon Francais. Qui peut m'aider?


Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Hai T.
July 28, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Teach me English,I will help you Vietnamese
hello,I'm Vietnamese,i want to improve my English,can you help me?contact with me,I don't gold member!!!

Language pair: English; Vietnamese
Lan N.
July 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Total found: 57 !
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