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May 20, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Do you want to learn Spanish? I would like to learn Norwegian!
Hello! I'm from Barcelona and I would like to learn some Norwegian! Is it so difficult? I like Norway very much, I think it's an amazing! Do you want to learn Spanish? I can help you too, and I can speak about my country if you are also interested... Thank you!
Language pair: Spanish; Catalan
May 11, 2007
# Msgs: 1
Re:need a help with catalan
I'm Russian native speaker but I don't know about Catalan nothing :) What kind of help do you need?
Language pair: Catalan; Russian
Alexandr D.
January 9, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 9, 2007
need a help with catalan
i'm learning catalan and i would like to get a help from russian native speakers or those who knows russian well. i can help you with english in turn.
Language pair: Catalan; Russian
January 7, 2007
# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 9, 2007
Hi everybody!!
Hello! I'm Elisenda, I'm 21 years old. I'm from Spain and I live in Barcelona. I would like to make new friends, and besides practise languages. My mother tongue are Catalan and Spanish, and I would like to practise English, French, German and Russian, if you are interested, please write me. Bye! :)
Language pair: Catalan; Spanish
September 1, 2006
# Msgs: 1
On apareix el codi??
Hola! Sóc nova, i abans he pagat els 6 dòlars per poder parlar amb qui vulgués, però resulta que jo no veig cap codi d'accès en l'e-mail que he rebut (confirmant que havia fet el pagament) i, clar, no em deixa fer res.
Em podeu ajudar, si us plau?
Language pair: Catalan; Spanish
July 17, 2006
# Msgs: 1