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Language > English
Category > New Member

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New to the exchange
I am in my 40s and fascinated by languages. Currently learning Mandarin and wondering if there is anyone out there who might want message and practice together.

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Emma Bell C.
October 9, 2021

# Msgs: 1


I am a native English speaker and also speak Spanish. Learning Brazilian Portuguese

Language pair: English; Spanish
September 19, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 18, 2023
Eae! Hello!
There's a lot of ways to say hi in portuguese. Hello, I'm brazilian and I have plans to live in another country in next years but I need to have a better english. Even if english it's not your mother language but you want to pratice / learn portuguese, send me a message, I would be happy to help you.

How do you say hi?

Language pair: Portuguese; English
August 17, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Learning English
Dear friends
I'm glad to meet all friends here
I'm Sai Sai.
I'm 28 years old, I came from Myanmar, I want to study English with all friends here.
I request all friends here to contact me to learn English.

Language pair: English; Burmese
Sai S.
August 7, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Hi 👋
Bonjour, salut, Hi i’m Rhianne and i study french in school and i am looking to improve my very limited skills i would love someone to chat with i’m fluent in english and i can help anyone looking to improve their english :))

Language pair: English; French
Rhianne K.
July 28, 2021

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 6, 2022
Ayudo a estudiantes y personas interesadas en conocer España y aprender español

Me llamo Daniel, y me encanta conocer gente nueva de otros países. Ofrezco ayuda a personas interesadas en conocer España, sean estudiantes, turistas o gente normal que quiera saber cosas de España.

Ideal para quien quiera conocer la voz de la calle, lo que piensa la gente normal, cosas de la vida cotidiana, el precio de una barra de pan, de un café, conocer las tiendas de comida principales, las costumbres populares, lo que piensa la gente en general de lo que pasa en política, economía, deportes, cultura, literatura, historia, etc. Si quieres conocer cómo viajar en tren, autobús, qué regiones visitar, qué zonas son las más aconsejables, qué paisajes son los más bonitos, o cualquier cosa, te lo cuento en español y te ayudo a perfeccionar, te puedo corregir expresiones erradas para que aprendas rápido.

Un saludo.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Daniel D.
July 26, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 17, 2022
What topics are taught to kids in school in Germany for them to learn grammar?
Hello! Could you please tell me a little bit about elementary school curricula regarding the Deutsch language, the way grammar is taught to kids in school in Germany? Thanks.

Language pair: German; English
July 16, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 15, 2022
Re: How can I get into contact with others if I don’t have a gold membership?
Hi, Heather,

if you don’t have a gold membership, then the only way that you can contact someone who has sent a “Hi!” message to you from here is if that person has a gold membership. If neither of you has a gold membership, then you have no way of contacting each other through the mechanisms on this site (apart from this Bulletin Board, which will be constrained by the time that it takes for Bulletin Board messages to be approved). If it is sufficiently important for you to “start right away” here, then the fastest way to do that is to become a Gold Member, which will let you send messages to (and receive messages from) anyone here, without the delays of going through the Bulletin Board.

Language pair: English; Spanish
July 11, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 11, 2021
How can I get into contact with others if I don’t have a gold membership?
I would love to practice listening and speaking Spanish with someone.However I’m not understanding how to respond to “hi” from others.I would like to start right away.I could help you with your English.Thank you.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Heather J.
July 9, 2021

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 11, 2021
Practicing Italian/English
Hi. I'm Narciso. I would like to practice italian with a native. I speak English and persian.

Language pair: English; Italian
June 26, 2021

# Msgs: 1

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