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Language > Polish
Category > New Member

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Making new friends and practicing languages!
Hi! I'm a girl from Poland and I'd like to
a) practice my English
b) learn Swedish - I tried to do this by myself but it's pretty hard
c) maybe improve my German (which is terrible).
Also, I'm seeking for some new friends, so if you're as bored as me, don't hesitate to write a word. :)
And very important information - I'm really shy when it comes to getting to know people through internet, so if you ever get the feeling that I'm a cold and serious - I just don't want to offend you in any way and I'm being careful with what I write.

I can also try to teach you some Polish or English, but I'm not sure if I am a good teacher, so the results are unpredictable. ;)

Oh, and I am not a gold member, but I'm sure that we'll figure something out.

Language pair: Polish; English
April 21, 2013

# Msgs: 1

hi. My name is Michael and i'm from poland. i'd like to increase my english language skills and i'am seeking someones who help me. I offer to practise polish becouse i am native speaker of this language. I'm interested in sport ( my job is sport teacher, but i work in technical department in other company). Another interesting: music, good films and books, traver and if you want to know more- write- we will increase ours language skills together.

Language pair: English; Polish
michal t.
April 19, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 29, 2013
Polish English or Polish German language exchange
Hello everyone
My name is Lukasz and I am new here. I want to improve my English pronunciation and also learn German. If you want to receive Polish lessons in exchange feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Polish; English
Łukasz O.
November 29, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Re:hi everyone:)
Hi:-) i want practise my english ,too.i am polish.

Language pair: Polish; English
Paulina F.
October 21, 2012

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 21, 2012
Looking for Chinese, Polish and English in exchange
Hello, My name is Adam and I live from birth in Warsaw, Poland. I am looking for a person with knowledge of Chinese for language and cultural exchange. I will help master the difficult world of Polish language including poetry and literature. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Polish
July 7, 2012

# Msgs: 1

I am a new member, I want to improve my speaking skills in English and in return I can help you learn Polish:)

Language pair: Polish; English
March 18, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Hi! Everyone :)
Hi! I'm Justyna, I'm 16 years old. I'm looking for a friend, who knows English. I learning German and Czech and I speak Polish. I haven't a gold member, so I waiting for your e-mails. :)

Language pair: Polish; 
March 7, 2012

# Msgs: 1

I am obviously new here and am a native English speaker and can speak good French as well... I am looking to find a pen pal and/or somebody that can help me work on and learn more Slovenian and Polish. I have friends from both countries and they have taught me a little but I would like to learn more and be able to speak to them in their language. Plus I would love to go back to Slovania again and to visit Poland and be able to understand the people in both countries as well as talk to them --- I look forward to talking and working with you!

Language pair: Slovenian; Polish
February 24, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Busco a alguien quien queria ayudarme un poco con mi espanol ;) yo le ofrezco polaco :)

Language pair: Spanish; Polish
January 19, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Re:Polnisch -Deutsche - Breiffreundschaft? / Lernen? :D
Czesz Judyta

mam naimie Marcelina i mam 25 lat. Ja cie urodzilam w polsce ale niegde nie nauszilam cie pisacz po polsku. Ja jusz od 22 lat mjeskam w niemiec kolo hamburga

Hallo Judyta

Auf deutsch fällt es mir wesentlich leichter ;o) Falls du von oben nicht alles verstehst, aufgrund meiner Rechtschreibung hier nochmal auf deutsch :o)

Ich heiße Marcelina und bin 25 Jahre jung. Ich bin in Polen geboren, aber habe leider nie gelernt polnisch zu schreiben. Ich spreche polnisch recht gut und lese mittlerweile gar nicht so schlecht.

Ich lebe seit 22 Jahren in Deutschland, in der Nähe von Hamburg. Mich hat nun vor etwas längerer Zeit die Lust gepackt polnisch schreiben zu wollen und auch mein Vokabular zu erweitern. Ich lerne bereits fleißig mit Polnischbüchern (für Ausländer) doch macht das natürlich nicht ganz so viel Spaß.

Ich würde mich mega freuen, wenn wir zusammen üben/lernen könnten.

Liebe Grüße

Language pair: Polish; German
Marcelina-Maria B.
January 17, 2012

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 17, 2012
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