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Hi Everybody,Herkeze Merhaba, Hola a Todos,
I'm a Turk living in the US, who has some Spanish knowledge. I am interested in cultural exchanges, so dont be afraid to contact me. I can help Turkish speakers with English, and English speakers with Turkish and also need help with Spanish. I am also interested in learning some French and German! If you would like to add me, use my username and put hotmail at the end...Have a good day, iyi gunler, ten un buen dia~!

Language pair: Turkish; Spanish
Peri S.
October 22, 2008

# Msgs: 1

i'm sibel from turkey...is there anyone who wants to practice his/her english and learn turkish?? i'm interested in improving my english and also i'd like to have friends from different cultures. please contact me...

Language pair: Turkish; English
sibell b.
October 17, 2008

# Msgs: 1

i want to learn english
hiii i speak english perfectly i can exchange it with turkish that i want to learn so i will be happy if anybody replied

Language pair: English; Turkish
October 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:hý Everybody
I think if anybody don't write me something who have gold membership I can't improve my English. How can I get your e-mail or msn address?

Language pair: English; Turkish
September 30, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 30, 2008
Re:hý Everybody
hi i need to lern how we can do this...

Language pair: English; Turkish
lilian q.
September 30, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 30, 2008
Re:hý Everybody
HI!! i can teach you english..what language do you speak now?? and i dont have a gold membership so i would need you to email me to get help.

Language pair: English; Turkish
September 28, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 30, 2008
hý Everybody
Hello everybody i m new member I want to learn english.

Language pair: English; Turkish
Yavuz E.
September 26, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 30, 2008
trying to learn Korean.
Hello! I've been in Korea for two months and trying to learn Korean now. My native language language is Turkish, but I am also fluent in English and German. I am open to any kind of help and suggestion.
See you, annyeong ^^
ps: i am not a gold member. you should send me a message if you are interested.

Language pair: Turkish; Korean
Mehmet B.
September 6, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I want to learn Turkish
Please help me with my Turkish. I'll give you lessons in Russian or English in exchange.

Language pair: Turkish; English
Vasya S.
May 16, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Salut,, moi c'est Andee
je suis belge et je vais régulièrement en Turquie, je suis des cours du soir afin de m'exprimer en turc mais cela n'est pas suffisant, je souhaiterais correspondre en turc et en retour vous apprendre le français.
à bientôt peut-être

Language pair: French; Turkish
Andee A.
March 21, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 22, 2008
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