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Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi Alina, I'm 21 years old and i'm student. I think i can help you pratices ur Vietnamese language. I have anything to talk with u ab Vietnam. Nice to meet u Alina! Ca Dao.
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Ca Dao P.
September 12, 2013
# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 12, 2013
Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi! I'm a Vietnamese and I want to talk to people all over the world in English, I can help you to learn Vietnamese. I'm a regular member so please contact me first.
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Lê Văn N.
August 6, 2013
# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 12, 2013
Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
I´m not sure if my english is much better than yours, but I´d really like to talk to people all over the world. I´d be glad to be able to talk to someone who comes from Vietnam because my family and I are thinking of visiting Vietnam next summer and I think it´s good to know something about the country. If you´re interested just response.
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
August 1, 2013
# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 12, 2013
Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hello, I am 42 and my daughter is 12. we are Vietnamese, we would like to practice English, I can help you to learn Vietnamese. Vietnamese is beautiful with many landscapes, if you visit Vietnam, we will be your tour gudie.
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
July 29, 2013
# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 12, 2013
Re:Re:Re:Hellow ~
Bravooo!!! Hello all crazy fans of Kpop...Me too..but a little bit...Hihi I watch music videos of SISTAR, TARA, MissA, 2NE1, often ;))
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
April 11, 2013
# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 11, 2013
Seeking for Korean friends to teach me Korean (-'_'-)
Hello everybody!!! I'm Annie. I'd love to have you as my partners in practicing English and Korean because I really love your culture. I love Korean dramas, Korean food, etc. I wish I could have a chance to visit Korea with some of my Korean friends. It'll be soooo great!!!(>_<) SO please help me to learn your language. Thank you so much!!! Gamsahabnida!!!
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Annie N.
February 6, 2013
# Msgs: 1
Looking for those who love to exchange language Vietnam and English
Hi guys, I'm working for Advertising company so I'm good enough to provide Vietnamese insight.
I also love to practice English in speaking and listening skill. If you wish to live in Vietnam and speak Vietnamese, just tell me. I'm willing to assist you anytime without benefit.
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Chau T.
October 28, 2012
# Msgs: 1
Hi Peggy, Im native Vietnamese and i live in Hanoi. Where r u? I hope u r in the same city with me so we can meet and learn Vietnamese-English together. Please contact me...
Language pair: English; Vietnamese
Lyn N.
August 14, 2012
# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 14, 2012
Cần học tiếng anh gấp
Trong ðời tôi, từ nhỏ ðến lúc tôi học xong ðại hoc, tôi vẫn nghĩ tiếng anh chỉ là phụ, ði học xong bằng ðại học rùi kiểu gì cũng xin ðýợc việc,tôi ra trýờng ðýợc mấy tháng rùi nhýng ði xin việc thấy các công ty không chỉ yêu cầu kinh nghiệm mà còn yêu cầu cả ngoại ngữ, tôi học ngành kĩ thuật, ðang làm co công ty công nghệ và thiết bị P&D chuyên chế tạo inox, ai có nhu cầu thiết kế chế tạo hệ thống xử lý nýớc, chýng cất phân ðoạn, hệ ðóng bao , nói chung là làm ðýợc nhiều thứ, cứ liên hệ với tôi, mức thu nhập của tôi thì thấp 3.2tr nhýng tôi vẫn cố làm ðể tãng thêm kinh nghiệm cho bản thân, ðến bây giờ tôi thấy mình còn thiếu ngoại ngữ, tôi ðã tìm nhiều sách , mua nhiều, nhýng tôi chẳng có thời gian ðẻ học, tôi không biết làm thế nào?
Language pair: Vietnamese; English
Ngô Xuân L.
July 14, 2012
# Msgs: 1
français vietnamien
Bonjour, tout nouveau ici, je suis français j'ai 28 ans et cherche à correspondre avec vietnamien(ne).
Mon grand père était vietnamien, mais malheureusement je n'ai jamais appris cette langue. J'aimerai maintenant l'apprendre je peux vous aider à apprendre le français.
A bientot
Language pair: French; Vietnamese
Lilian N.
April 26, 2012
# Msgs: 1