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Language > Croatian
Category > New Member

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visiting Croatia
I am going on a cruise and it will stop in Italy and two ports in Croatia. I have been studying the language for 6 months just so I can be polite when I am in their country. I would love to practice Croatian with a patient person who has a good sense of humor.

Language pair: Croatian; Italian
Peggy L.
June 20, 2007

# Msgs: 1

need help with russian or italian
Hello! I'm Ana from Croatia. I'm new here. I want to practice my russian and italian lang., I can help you with english and croatian. not a gold member.. contact me!

Language pair: Croatian; English
April 10, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Trazim netko da zeli se dopisivati sa mnom.

Dobar dan

Sada sam 'gold member'.

Pozdrav Marleen

Language pair: Dutch; Croatian
March 21, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 21, 2007
Trazim netko da zeli se dopisivati sa mnom.
Dobar dan.
Ja sam Marleen iz Nizozemske. Probam uciti Hrvatski, zato sto volim putovati u Hrvatsku. Tko zelis pomoci me?

My english is oke, also. So could help you with english and ofcourse dutch. I am not a gold member so I can't take initiative.

Pozdrav iz Nizozemske

Language pair: Dutch; Croatian
March 18, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 21, 2007
new member
hey whats up everyone. My name is Marina and i'm a new member, however not a gold member so you'll have to contact me. I live in Canada and looking for someone who would help me learn some German OR improve my Croatian. I can help you learn English in return. Eventually i am also going to be taking up french and italian so anyone who knows either of those is welcome too! talk to you soon!

Language pair: English; Croatian
Marina A.
March 3, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Hello everybody
Hey Hey,

I am a croatian girl(18 years) who lives for 13 years in the netherlands.
Dutch became my native language, but I also don't want to forget my own language. I can speak croatian, but I want to improve my writing skills.
Who can help me?
I am not a gold member, so you have to contact me first!

Hope to hear from you soon

Language pair: Dutch; Croatian
ivana b.
February 9, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Ich suche jemand für mein Deutsch zu verbessern:)
Hallo ich wünsche meinen Deutsch verbessern.Gibts hier jemand die mir helfen kann und will;)Ich kann euch vieleicht mit eueren Kroatisch helfen.
Tko želi poboljšati svoj hrvatski, neka se javi!

Language pair: Croatian; German
Sandra Z.
November 10, 2006

# Msgs: 1

trying to learn croatian
I am interested in having a penpal who would help me learn Croatian. I would like to help someone learn English as well. I would also like to have friendships from all around the world. Please contact me.

Language pair: English; Croatian
shirley a.
September 2, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:You wana learn Croatian, I wana practice Italian,english, french!
Hi!! I'm Sara from Milan
I'd like to learn Croatian, I'm at begginer level. If you want I can teach you Italian. I'm very patience and I'm glad to help someone. do you have msn or similar?

Language pair: Croatian; Italian
August 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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