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Re:Greek Students, Speakers, I need your help please !!!!!
Hi, I know all about your problem. I had the same thing. One really good (but fast and slightly confusing) set to learn from is "Mastering Greek". It's used to train Americans who will need to speak Greek at an American embassy. It has twelve tapes that really stress pronounciation and listening. It's not like a travel guide--it talks about declenstions, conjugation, abnormal verbs and how to use them, the past and future tenses and even has some "purist" Greek that you'll need to know in order to learn the regular language. It's expensive, but worth it! I got mine at barnes and noble but I think you can order it through Amazon, too. Hope this helps, Renee
Language pair: English; Greek
Renee M.
April 22, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Need Translation
Ende peru praveenaana
Enda should be pronounced as follows - EN as "n" in English and de as "day" in english
peru - pe as "Pay" in english and ru as "RU in Rupee"
Language pair: English; Malayalam
Praveen K.
April 15, 2004
# Msgs: 1
April 6, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Help me!!!
Goodbye -> sayoonara
My name is -> watashi wa [your name] desu.
Do you speak english -> you can use this sentence eigo ga wakarimasuka. or eigo o iu koto ga dekimasuka?
Hope Japanese can understand what u mean :)
Language pair: English; Japanese
Van Tuyen N.
March 31, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Translation of mandarin Chinese phrases
You could be in trouble here, depending on how you see it! Here's the translation for you:
Wo Ai Ni - I love you Bai Ma Wang Zi - Knight on a white horse
Go figure!
Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Brian Z.
March 17, 2004
# Msgs: 1
J'ai trois tortues : deux grandes (un mâle et une femelle) et une petite d'une espèce différente.
Comment dites-vous ça en japonais?
I have three tortles : two big (one male and one female) and one little of different sort.
How do you say that in japanese?
Language pair: French; English
March 3, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:Re:Need help with Japanese
Just to clarify, "Eva" could be pronounced as "eeva" or "ayva" depending on where you are from, so maybe it's not the best example word.
The ii in Kawaii aproximates to the sound "ee" as in the English words "see", "be", "free", etc.
Also, because the i is doubled it is actually a long ee sound, but perhaps that wouldn't be so evident in the word "Kawaii". In Japanese you always pronounce every vowel on its own. Putting vowels together just sounds like those vowels strung together, it doesn't change the sound of the vowels as it would in English.
Language pair: English; All
Kathryn C.
February 29, 2004
# Msgs: 1
Re:How to say
salut nu stiu cum se spune salvie in japoneza dar in engleza este SAGE. cu variantele "garden sage" pentru salvie de gradina si "meadow sage" pentru salvie de camp. sper ca te ajuta. :o)
Language pair: English; Romanian
February 26, 2004
# Msgs: 1
February 23, 2004
# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 24, 2004
Jerome H.
February 21, 2004
# Msgs: 1